PRP051 error during Gross To Net (GTN) Process
I encountered the attached error message while running a GTN process.
Error detected. Please call your Penta account representative.
PRP051 Function insert_needed_tcs()
Emp XXXX Class XXXX Date XXXXXXXX - No rate found.
Applies To
PENTA for Windows
GTN Process:
Payroll > Payroll Check Processing > Gross to Net Processing OR Payroll > Centralized Payroll Check Processing > Centralized Gross to Net Processing
Update Employee Pay Rate Information:
Payroll > Employee Payroll Information > Pay Rate tab
The error indicates the employee has a timecard record that is being processed for a work date for which an effective pay rate does not exist.
Navigate to the Employee Payroll Information window and add a Pay Rate record on or before the date indicated in the error message.