Product Interface Required fields


Looking at the Product Interface Record Interface Information -  Are the required fields in other tables and/or can a User edit theses fields?

Applies To

  • Inventory
  • Product Interface


Please see my descriptions for the required fields on which fields are User edit fields vs need to be setup in tables prior to loading the interface:

Request Id: This will be the name of the Interface file: ie- prodload1

Sequence Number can just be, 1, 2,3,4 and on for each row

Activity code: If you are adding these records you can just enter A for each row, if this was an update this code can be U

Product Id: Will need to define the Product Id

Description: Will need to define a Description for the Products

Product Status: A =  Active unless we are loading Inactive products

Product Type: Is a table that will need to be filled in prior to product load

Product Class: Is a table that will need to be filled in prior to product load

UM (Unit of Measure) and PUM(Purchase Unit of Measure): Is a table that we have defaults setup already but more can be added  - Unit of Measure window

UM Ratio and PUM Ratio: Products quantity and then Purchase quantity 

Taxable: Is this Product taxable Yes or No? Enter in the file Y for Yes and No

Expense Code: Is this an expense product Yes or No? Enter in the file Y for Yes and N for No