Uploading a W-2 to the Employee Portal


How do I upload Employee W-2's to the Employee Portal?

Applies To

PENTA for Windows

Payroll > Payroll Check Processing > Approve Documents for Employee Portal

Payroll > Year End Reporting > W2 Generation

OnBase Configuration

Users > User Groups / Rights > Select "User Group Name/Security Group" > Document Types



1) User needs to have security access to "Approve Documents for Employee Portal" window. (Payroll > Payroll Check Processing > Approve Documents for Employee Portal)

2) When generating W-2's in the "W2 Generation" window , User needs to enter "Y" (Yes) for "Post W-2's to Portal for Employee Viewing ? (Y/N):". (Payroll > Year End Reporting > W2 Generation)

3) User needs to have access to Document Types: HR - W-2 Approved/Unapproved via OnBase Configuration settings. (OnBase Configuration > Users > User Groups / Rights > Select "User Group Name/Security Group" > Document Types)


1) Payroll > Payroll Check Processing > Approve Documents for Employee Portal

2) Bottom left of your screen, filter the parameters by placing a check-mark next to "Unapproved" and "W-2s", then click the "Query" button

3) Select the Employee whose W-2 you want to upload, then click "Approve"

Note: You can approve all W-2's by clicking "Approve All" or you can select multiple Employees at once by holding down the shift key and then clicking "Approve". Double-click on column headers to group by header name.

4) Close the window

The employee will now be able to view their W-2 in the Employee Portal.Â