Vendor name different from 1099 form
We have some situations where we need one name on the vendor and another on the 1099 form. Where can we put the name we need on the 1099 form?
Applies To
PENTA for Windows
Accounts Payable > Vendor > Vendor Information
System Option 164
Ultimately, you can have the 1099 for a different name (or address) that is different than the primary vendor address/name. To do this please see below:
1) Accounts Payable > Vendor > Vendor Information > Hit Q to query the vendor you would like to add a 2nd 1099 name/address.
2) You can enter up to 4 different names/addresses for a vendor.
- Address '1' - Remit To (Default Address) = Default address for creation AP Invoices
- Address '2' - PO = Default address for creation of Purchase Orders
- Address '3' - 1099 = Default address for creation of 1099's
- Address '4' - Bid = Default address for creation of bid information
3) Please enter which address number (1,2,3, or 4) that you would like the 1099 to go to. Type in the # of the address next to the 1099: box (highlighted below). When you entered this additional address (#2) you can set the name portion (1st line) to be different, and if the address is the same just type in the same address.
Please note: The field where name is indicated (red box below) is supposed to be used for the 1099 vendor name if it's different than the name on top.
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