Create and Enter Time using eTime

Create and Enter Time using eTime


How do I use eTime to enter my timesheet?

Applies To



 Create a New eTime Timesheet

Create a Timesheet for Yourself

Create a New, Blank eTime Timesheet

  1. Use the application menu to access your My Timesheets list.

  2. From your My Timesheets list, select the [+] icon.

  3. Select the New option.

  4. Accept the default week ending date (the current week) or use the date drop-down to select a different week ending date up to four weeks past or four weeks in the future.

  5. Select OK to create a new, blank timesheet.

Create a New e Time Timesheet from a Copy of Your Previous Timesheet

  1. Use the application menu to access your My Timesheets list. This list shows the unprocessed timesheets you have entered or another employee has entered for you.

  2. From your My Timesheets list, select the [+] icon.

  3. Select the Copy From Previous option.

  4. Accept the default week ending date (the current week) or use the date drop-down to select a different week ending date up to four weeks past or four weeks in the future.

  5. Select OK to create a timesheet using the distributions on your most recent timesheet.

  6. NOTE: Hours are not copied from the previous timesheet.

Create a Timesheet for Someone Else

Create a Blank eTime Timesheet

  1. Use the application menu to access your Others’ Timesheets list.

  2. From your Others’ Timesheets list, select the [+] icon.

  3. Select the New option.

  4. Accept the default week ending date (the current week) or use the date drop-down to select a different week ending date up to four weeks past or four weeks in the future.

  5. Click on the Select Employee field to choose the employee for whom you are creating the timesheet.

  6. Select OK to create a new, blank timesheet.

Create a New eTime Timesheet from a Copy of a Previous Timesheet

  1. Use the application menu to access your Others’ Timesheets list.

  2. From your Others’ Timesheets list, select the [+] icon.

  3. Select the Copy From Previous option.

  4. Accept the default week ending date (the current week) or use the date drop-down to select a different week ending date up to four weeks past or four weeks in the future.

  5. Click on the Select Employee field to choose the employee for whom you are creating the timesheet.

  6. Select OK to create a timesheet using the distributions from the selected employee’s most recent timesheet.

  7. NOTE: Hours are not copied from the previous timesheet.

Enter Time on an eTime Timesheet

Charge Your Time to a Job

  1. Open an existing timesheet from your My Timesheets list or create a new one.

  2. From the timesheet, select the [+] icon.

  3. Choose the Job option.

  4. Select the day of the week you want to enter time for from the weekly calendar at the top of the window.

  5. Select the Job field to search for a Job. If there are Jobs already entered on the timesheet, those Jobs display at the top of the results list prior to starting a new search. You can search for a Job using all or part of the Job Id, Job Description, and portions of the address including the city, state, and zip code.

  6. Select the desired Job from your search results.

  7. Click on the Costcode field to select a Costcode. If there are Costcodes already used on the timesheet, those Costcodes display at the top of the results list prior to filtering. You can filter the Costcode list using all or part of the Costcode or Costcode Description.

  8. Select the desired Costcode from the available Costcodes list.

  9. Click on the Work Code field to search for a Work Code if this field displays as required. If there are Work Codes already used on the timesheet, those work codes display at the top of the results list prior to searching. You can search for work codes using all or part of the Work Code Id or Work Code Description.

  10. Select the desired Work Code from your search results.

  11. Enter the hours you worked (Regular, Premium 1, or Premium 2) for the Job/Costcode on the selected day.

  12. Enter Comments if you want to leave any notes for the approver about the time you entered on your timesheet.

  13. Click Save to save your entry.

    1. Click Cancel if you do not wish to complete your entry. Your changes will not be saved to your timesheet.

  14. If you are done entering time for Jobs/Costcodes for this timesheet, select Close.

  15. If you have more Job/Costcode time entries to make for this timesheet, repeat steps 1.A.1-1.A.13 for each additional Job/Costcode entry you need to make.

Charge Your Time to a Work Order

  1. Open an existing timesheet from your My Timesheets list or create a new one.

  2. From the timesheet, select the [+] icon.

  3. Choose the Work Order option.

  4. Select the day of the week you want to enter time for from the weekly calendar at the top of the window.

  5. Select the Work Order field to search for a Work Order. If there are Work Orders already entered on the timesheet, those Work Orders display at the top of the results list prior to starting a new search. You can search for a Work Order using all or part of the Work Order Id, Work Order Description, and portions of the address including the city, state, and zip code.

  6. Select the desired Work Order from your search results.

  7. Click on the Task field to select a Task. If there are Tasks already used on the timesheet, those Tasks display at the top of the results list prior to filtering. You can filter the Task list using all or part of the Task or Task Description.

  8. Enter the hours you worked (Regular, Premium 1, or Premium 2) for the Work Order/Task on the selected day.

  9. Enter Comments if you want to leave any notes for the approver about the time you entered on your timesheet.

  10. Click Save to save your entry.

    1. Click Cancel if you do not wish to complete your entry. Your changes will not be saved to your timesheet.

  11. If you are done entering time for Work Orders for this timesheet, select Close.

  12. If you have more Work Order time entries to make for this timesheet, repeat steps 1.B.1-1.B.10 for each additional Work Order entry you need to make.

Charge Your Time to Overhead

  1. Open an existing timesheet from your My Timesheets list or create a new one.

  2. From the timesheet, select the [+] icon.

  3. Choose the Overhead option.

  4. Select the day of the week you want to enter time for from the weekly calendar at the top of the window.

  5. Click on the OU field to search for the OU to which you want to charge Overhead if you do not want to charge it to the default OU, which is the OU to which you are assigned.

  6. Click on the Hour Class field to select an Overhead category from the available Hour Class list. You can filter the Hour Class list using all or part of the Hour Class Id or Hour Class Description.

  7. Enter the hours you worked (Regular, Premium 1, or Premium 2) for the Hour Class on the selected day.

  8. Enter Comments if you want to leave any notes for the approver about the time you entered on your timesheet.

  9. Click Save to save your entry.

    1. Click Cancel if you do not wish to complete your entry. Your changes will not be saved to your timesheet.

  10. If you are done entering Overhead time for this timesheet, select Close.

  11. If you have more Overhead time entries to make for this timesheet, repeat steps 1.C.1- 1.C.9 for each additional Hour Class entry you need to make.

Charge Time to a Job for Someone Else

  1. Open an existing timesheet from your Others’ Timesheets list or create a new one.

  2. From the timesheet, select the [+] icon.

  3. Choose the Job option.

  4. Select the day of the week you want to enter time for from the weekly calendar at the top of the window.

  5. Select the Job field to search for a Job. If there are Jobs already entered on the timesheet, those Jobs display at the top of the results list prior to starting a new search. You can search for a Job using all or part of the Job Id, Job Description, and portions of the address including the city, state, and zip code.

  6. Select the desired Job from your search results.

  7. Click on the Costcode field to select a Costcode. If there are Costcodes already used on the timesheet, those Costcodes display at the top of the results list prior to filtering. You can filter the Costcode list using all or part of the Costcode or Costcode Description.

  8. Select the desired Costcode from the available Costcodes list.

  9. Click on the Work Code field to search for a Work Code if this field displays as required. If there are Work Codes already used on the timesheet, those work codes display at the top of the results list prior to searching. You can search for work codes using all or part of the Work Code Id or Work Code Description.

  10. Select the desired Work Code from your search results.

  11. Enter the hours you worked (Regular, Premium 1, or Premium 2) for the Job/Costcode on the selected day.

  12. Enter Comments if you want to leave any notes for the approver about the time you entered on your timesheet.

  13. Click Save to save your entry.

    1. Click Cancel if you do not wish to complete your entry. Your changes will not be saved to your timesheet.

  14. If you are done entering time for Jobs/Costcodes for this timesheet, select Close.

  15. If you have more Job/Costcode time entries to make for this timesheet, repeat steps 1.D.1-1.D.13 for each additional Job/Costcode entry you need to make.

Charge Time to a Work Order for Someone Else

  1. Open an existing timesheet from your Others' Timesheets list or create a new one.

  2. From the timesheet, select the [+] icon.

  3. Choose the Work Order option.

  4. Select the day of the week you want to enter time for from the weekly calendar at the top of the window.

  5. Select the Work Order field to search for a Work Order. If there are Work Orders already entered on the timesheet, those Work Orders display at the top of the results list prior to starting a new search. You can search for a Work Order using all or part of the Work Order Id, Work Order Description, and portions of the address including the city, state, and zip code.

  6. Select the desired Work Order from your search results.

  7. Click on the Task field to select a Task. If there are Tasks already used on the timesheet, those Tasks display at the top of the results list prior to filtering. You can filter the Task list using all or part of the Task or Task Description.

  8. Enter the hours you worked (Regular, Premium 1, or Premium 2) for the Work Order/Task on the selected day.

  9. Enter Comments if you want to leave any notes for the approver about the time you entered on your timesheet.

  10. Click Save to save your entry.

    1. Click Cancel if you do not wish to complete your entry. Your changes will not be saved to your timesheet.

  11. If you are done entering time for Work Orders for this timesheet, select Close.

  12. If you have more Work Order time entries to make for this timesheet, repeat steps 1.E.1-1.E.10 for each additional Work Order entry you need to make.

Charge Time to Overhead for Someone Else

  1. Open an existing timesheet from your Others’ Timesheet list or create a new one.

  2. From the timesheet, select the [+] icon.

  3. Choose the Overhead option.

  4. Select the day of the week you want to enter time for from the weekly calendar at the top of the window.

  5. Click on the OU field to search for the OU to which you want to charge Overhead if you do not want to charge it to the default OU, which is the OU to which you are assigned.

  6. Click on the Hour Class field to select an Overhead category from the available Hour Class list. You can filter the Hour Class list using all or part of the Hour Class Id or Hour Class Description.

  7. Enter the hours you worked (Regular, Premium 1, or Premium 2) for the Hour Class on the selected day.

  8. Enter Comments if you want to leave any notes for the approver about the time you entered on your timesheet.

  9. Click Save to save your entry.

    1. Click Cancel if you do not wish to complete your entry. Your changes will not be saved to your timesheet.

  10. If you are done entering Overhead time for this timesheet, select Close.

  11. If you have more Overhead time entries to make for this timesheet, repeat steps 1.F.1-1.F.9 for each additional Hour Class entry you need to make.

Submit an eTime Timesheet

Submit a Timesheet for Yourself

  1. Open your My Timesheets list from the eTime application menu.

  2. Select the timesheet that you would like to submit for approval.

  3. Select the Submit button at the bottom of the screen. eTime will prompt you to confirm you want to submit your timesheet. The timesheet cannot be submitted if all required fields are not complete or if there are any unresolved validation errors.

  4. Confirm that you want to submit the timesheet for approval.

Submit a Timesheet for Someone Else

  1. Open your Others' Timesheets list from the eTime application menu.

  2. Select the timesheet that you would like to submit for approval.

  3. Select the Submit button at the bottom of the screen. eTime will prompt you to confirm you want to submit your timesheet. The timesheet cannot be submitted if all required fields are not complete or if there are any unresolved validation errors.

  4. Confirm that you want to submit the timesheet for approval.

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