Standard Crystal Report - Pay Period Units/Hours Information
Standard Crystal Report - Pay Period Units/Hours Information
Applies To
Penta for Windows
Standard Crystal Report - Pay Period Units/Hours Information
Payroll Module
The Pay Period Units/Hours Information report prints timecard information to substantiate unit rate payroll compensation that appears on an employee’s check/direct deposit advice you issue from outside PENTA with data transferred from PENTA. Since you might attach pages of this report to employee checks/direct deposit advices, data for each employee begins on a new page, and the report includes summary pages for your records. PENTA prints the summary pages at the beginning of the report.
You can limit record selection for this report by:
- Organization Unit Id
- Beginning Pay Period End Date
- Ending Pay Period End Date
- Pay Group Number
- Employee Id
This report also provides the selection parameter Print User Selections that allows you to control whether PENTA prints your Selection criteria on the report. Possible values are:
- F – First Page Only
- N – Do not Show
The default value is F.
Records sort in order by:
- Organization Unit Id
- Employee Name
- Pay Period End Date
Summary Pages Totals
OU Total
After each OU section (before a new OU’s section), PENTA prints a total row with the total dollar values for the following columns on the summary pages:
- Unit Rate Pay
- Unit Rate Pay Wage Adj
- Unit Rate Pay Prem 1
- Unit Rate Pay Prem 2
- Other Pay
- Reimbursements
- Shift/Haz Premiums
- Hourly Rate Pay
- Gross Pay
Report Total
On the last summary page, PENTA prints a total row with the total dollar value of the following columns:
- Unit Rate Pay
- Unit Rate Pay Wage Adj
- Unit Rate Pay Prem 1
- Unit Rate Pay Prem 2
- Other Pay
- Reimbursements
- Shift/Haz Premiums
- Hourly Rate Pay
- Gross Pay
Detail Page Totals
Unit Rate Pay Total
After a Unit Rate Pay section for an employee, PENTA prints a total row with the total values for the following columns:
- Reg Hours
- Premium 1 Hours
- Premium 2 Hours
- Units
- Amount
- Total (on this total row, PENTA reprints the Amount total to facilitate clarity of the Total column for other rows)
Gross Hourly Rate Pay
After an Hourly Rate Pay section for an employee, PENTA prints a total row with the total values for the following columns:
- Reg Hours
- Premium 1 Hours
- Premium 2 Hours
- Amount
- Total (on this total row, PENTA reprints the Amount total to facilitate clarity of the Total column for other rows)
Total Reimbursement Pay
After a Reimbursement Pay section for an employee, PENTA prints a total row with the total values for:
- Amount
- Total (on this total row, PENTA reprints the Amount total to facilitate clarity of the Total column for other rows)
Total Gross Pay
After each employee section (before a new employee’s section), PENTA prints a total row with the total values for the Total column.
Page Breaks
This report has the following page breaks:
- for summary pages.
- for each employee record.
- for each pay period end date within each employee record.
Report Code: pr_payPrdCompByEmp_p154_cr11.rpt