Vendor Interface: Table Driven Method
Use the Vendor Interface to load vendor information using data from external applications. Information you load using this interface adds to the data already stored in PENTA.
Data files you load must have Request Types assigned to the V Interface Type.
Related System Options
System Option 340 (Reject Vendor Interface on Error) controls whether PENTA rejects a Vendor Interface request when it contains errors. If this is set to:
N – PENTA rejects records in the interface file that generated errors. PENTA loads records that don't generate errors into the database.
Y – PENTA rejects the entire interface file if any record in the file generated an error.
Where to View Loaded Data
You can review interfaced data in the Vendor Information window.
Available Tables
Address Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_VEN_ADDRESS table, which contains address information for Vendors.
Note: The specified vendor bank account will be created if it doesn’t already exist.
Column Name | Entry | Value | Description |
ACTIVITY_CD | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values:
VEN_ID | Req | X | ID of the Vendor. |
ADDR_NUM | Req | I 5 | ID of the Vendor’s address. |
ADDR_NAME | Opt | C 30 | Name associated with the Vendor’s address. A value is required for Miscellaneous vendors (VEN_TYPE_CD is M). |
ADDR_1 | Opt | C 30 | First line of the Vendor’s address. |
ADDR_2 | Opt | C 30 | Second line of the Vendor’s address. |
ADDR_3 | Opt | C 30 | Third line of the Vendor’s address. |
CITY | Req | C 20 | The city associated with the ADDR_NUM. |
ST_CD | Req | C! 4 | ID of the state associated with the ADDR_NUM. |
POSTAL_CD | Req | C 10 | Postal (ZIP) code associated with the ADDR_NUM. |
COUNTRY_CD | Opt | C! 3 | ID of the country associated with the ADDR_NUM. |
VEN_ADDR_TYPE_CD | Opt | C! 3 | ID of the address type, which classifies the address. |
VALID_REMIT_ADDR_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Indicate (with Y (yes) or N (no)) whether this address is allowed for remittances. This defaults as Y. |
VALID_PO_ADDR_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Indicate (with a Y (yes) or N (no)) whether this address is allowed for purchase orders. This defaults as Y. |
PHONE_AREA_CD | Opt | C 3 | Area code of the phone number associated with the address. |
PHONE_NUM | Opt | C 11 | Phone number associated with the address. A value is required if there is a PHONE_AREA_CD value. |
FAX_AREA_CD | Opt | C 3 | Area code of the fax number associated with the address. |
FAX_NUM | Opt | C 11 | Fax number associated with the address. A value is required if there is a FAX_AREA_CD value. |
SEP_CHK_PER_INVOICE_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Indicate (with Y (yes) or N (no) if PENTA should create a separate check for each invoice for this address. This must be N if VALID_REMIT_ADDR_CD is N. |
WWW_ADDR | Opt | C 100 | Address (URL) of the Vendor’s website. |
ADDL_CHECK_LINE_1 | Opt | C 50 | First additional line that will print below the vendor address on the AP Check. |
ADDL_CHECK_LINE_2 | Opt | C 50 | Second additional line that will print below the vendor address on the AP Check. |
DIRECT_DEPOSIT_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Indicate (with Y (yes) or N (no)) if payments to this vendor address are directly deposited. This defaults as N. This must be N if VALID_REMIT_ADDR_CD is N. Note: When changing this value to N on an existing vendor address, the VEN_BANK_NUM, VEN_BANK_ACCT_NUM, and BANK_ACCT_TYPE_CD columns will be set to null in this VENDOR_ADDRESS table. |
VEN_BANK_NUM | Opt | C! 9 | Number of the Vendor’s bank to be used for direct deposits for this address. A value is required if DIRECT_DEPOSIT_CD is Y; otherwise you cannot enter a value. If country is USA or System Option 263 is Y and country is anything other than CAN, this must be a valid U.S. bank number. |
VEN_BANK_NAME | Opt | C 30 | Name of the Vendor’s Bank. A value is required if DIRECT_DEPOSIT_CD is Y; otherwise you cannot enter a value. |
VEN_BANK_ACCT_NUM | Opt | C 17 | Account number of the Vendor’s bank to be used for direct deposits for this address. A value is required if DIRECT_DEPOSIT_CD is Y; otherwise, you cannot enter a value. |
BANK_ACCT_TYPE_CD | Opt | C! 1 | The account type/classification for the VEN_BANK_ACCT_NUM. A value is required if DIRECT_DEPOSIT_CD is Y; otherwise, you cannot enter a value. Valid values are:
PRINT_ADVICE_NOTICE_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Indicate (with Y (yes) or N (no)) if PENTA should print direct deposit advice notices. This defaults as Y. |
EMAIL_ADVICE_NOTICE_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Indicate (with Y (yes or N (no)) if direct deposit advice notices should be emailed. This defaults as N. |
EMAIL_ADDR | Opt | C 50 | The email address where advice notices should be sent. A value is required if EMAIL_ADVICE_NOTICE_CD is Y. |
Check Form Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_VEN_CHECKFORM table, which contains default Check Forms for a Vendor.
Note: You must enter at least one check form if System Option 260 is Y and vendor type is E.
Column Name | Entry | Value | Description |
ACTIVITY_CD | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values:
VEN_ID | Key | X | ID of the Vendor. |
FORM_ID | Req | C! 8 | ID of the default form PENTA should use for checks for a particular balance sheet OU/currency combination. For each vendor, PENTA allows only one form per balance sheet/currency combination. |
Contact Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_VEN_CONTACT table, which contains contacts for Vendors.
Note: You must enter a value for at least one of the optional fields.
Column Name | Entry | Value | Description |
ACTIVITY_CD | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values:
VEN_ID | Key | X | ID of the Vendor. |
ADDR_NUM | Req | I 5 | ID of the Vendor’s address. |
CONTACT_NUM | Req | I 3 | ID of the contact person associated with the Vendor/address. |
CONTACT_LAST_NAME | Opt | C 20 | Last name of the Vendor’s contact. |
CONTACT_FIRST_NAME | Opt | C 15 | First name of the Vendor’s contact. |
CONTACT_TYPE_CD | Opt | C! 3 | ID that classifies the Vendor’s contact. |
CONTACT_TITLE_NUM | Opt | I 4 | The title # of Vendor’s contact. |
EMAIL_ADDR | Opt | C 50 | Email address of Vendor’s contact. |
Vendor Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_VEN_VENDOR table, which contains “master information” for Vendors.
Column Name | Entry | Value | Description |
ACTIVITY_CD | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values:
VEN_ID | Req | X | The vendor’s ID. |
NAME | Req | C 30 | The vendor’s name. |
NAME_PREFIX | Opt | C 15 | Vendor’s name prefix. |
MIDDLE_NAME | Opt | C 15 | Vendor’s middle name. |
VEN_TYPE_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Type of vendor. Valid types are:
VEN_STAT_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Status of vendor. Valid statuses are:
EMP_ID | Opt | X | ID of the employee linked to the vendor. A value is required if the VEN_TYPE_CD value is E; otherwise, values are not allowed. Notes
RCV_1099_CD | Opt | C! 1 | This indicates (with a Y (yes) or N (no)) whether the Vendor receives a 1099. This must be set to:
NAME_CTRL_CD | Opt | C! 4 | The Name Control Code is for magnetic media reporting of 1099s. A value is only allowed if RCV_1099_CD = Y; otherwise, this must be blank. |
EARN_CD | Opt | C 3 | This is the default code for 1099 earnings. A value is required if RCV_1099_CD = Y; otherwise, this must be blank. |
FORM_1099_ST_CD | Opt | C! 4 | This is the default state code for payments included on 1099s. A value is only allowed if RCV_1099_CD = Y; otherwise, this must be blank. |
WH_REQUIRED_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Indicates whether PENTA should withhold state income tax from payments to the Vendor. Enter Y if withholding is required on invoices; otherwise enter N. This must be N if RCV_1099_CD is N. This defaults as N. |
FED_ID | Opt | C 10 | The Vendor’s Federal ID. A value is only allowed if the SS_NUM is blank. |
SS_NUM | Opt | C 11 | The Vendor’s Tax ID. A value is only allowed if FED_ID is blank. |
PAR_VEN_ID | Opt | X | ID of the Vendor’s Parent Vendor. Parent/Child vendor relationships cannot be more than two levels deep (i.e., this parent cannot have a parent of its own). You cannot enter a value if an EMP_ID value exists. |
VEN_CLASS_CD | Opt | C! 3 | ID of the Vendor’s classification. This defaults as VEN for new vendors. |
PAY_TERM_NUM | Opt | I 3 | ID of the Vendor’s Payment Terms. |
PAYMENT_CYCLE_NUM | Opt | I 3 | ID of the Vendor’s Payment Cycle. A value is required if System Option 189 is 2. |
CHECK_SORT_GROUP | Opt | I 3 | ID of the check sorting group PENTA defaults for invoices entered against this Vendor. |
CURRENCY_ID | Opt | C! 3 | ID of the Vendor’s Currency. A value is only allowed if System Option 44 is Y. |
SHIP_METHOD_CD | Opt | C! 8 | ID of the default Shipping Method on Purchase Orders created for the Vendor. |
FREIGHT_TERM_CD | Opt | C! 8 | ID of the default FOB/Freight Terms on Purchase Orders created for the Vendor. |
LIEN_WAIVER_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Indicates (with Y (yes) or N (no)) whether lien waivers should be produced for the Vendor. This defaults according to setting in the System Configuration window. |
COST_TYPE_CD | Opt | C! 4 | If a lien waiver should print for only one Cost Type, this identifies that Cost Type. A value is only allowed if LIEN_WAIVER_CD = Y. |
SEP_CHK_CD | Opt | C! 1 | This indicates (with Y (yes) or N (no)) whether a separate AP Check prints for each invoice paid to the Vendor. This defaults according to setting in the System Configuration window. |
HIST_SAVE_CD | Opt | C! 1 | This indicates (with Y (yes) or N (no)) if PENTA should keep activity detail until the vendor is purged. This defaults as Y. PENTA does not currently use this value. |
AP_WRITEOFF_AMT | Opt | F 5, 2 | AP Writeoff Threshold is the amount acceptable to write off for an open invoice balance. A value is only allowed if you are authorized to enter AP Writeoff Threshold and there is an AP Writeoff Account specified in the System Configuration window. |
BOOL_ALL_OU_CD | Req | C! 1 | All OU Code indicates (with Y (yes) or N (no)) whether the Vendor has authorization for all organizational units. This defaults as Y if you are authorized for all OUs; otherwise this defaults as N. |
RCV_T5018_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Receive T5018 Code indicates (with Y (yes) or N (no) whether the Vendor receives a T5108. This value must be N if RCV_1099_CD is Y. This defaults as N. |
PARTNERSHIP_NAME_1 | Opt | C 30 | The first line of the name of a corporation or partnership that should appear on the Vendor’s T5018 slip. This defaults as NAME. |
PARTNERSHIP_NAME_2 | Opt | C 30 | The second line of the name of a corporation or partnership that should appear on the Vendor’s T5018 slip. |
T5018_RECIPIENT_TYPE_CD | Opt | I 1 | Recipient Type Code identifies the Vendor’s T5018 classification. Valid values are:
RECIPIENT_ACCOUNT_ID | Opt | C! 15 | If the Vendor is a Corporation or Partnership, use Recipient Account Number to enter the Vendor’s complete RT Goods & Services Tax (GST) or RZ Business Number assigned by the CRA. A value is required if T5018_RECIPIENT_TYPE_CD is 3 or 4. Must be in the form of 9 digits followed by RT or RZ followed by 4 more digits (999999999RZ9999 or 999999999RT9999). |
PARTNERSHIP_FIN | Opt | C! 9 | The Vendor’s partnership filer identification number. This must be in the form of 2 alpha characters followed by 7 digits (XY9999999). |
FORM_T5018_ADDR_NUM* | Opt | I 5 | This identifies which vendor address PENTA should use for T5018 reporting. A value is required if RCV_T5018_CD is Y. |
DEF_PO_ADDR_NUM* | Opt | I 5 | ID of the default address PENTA uses when generating 1099s for the Vendor. |
DEF_REMIT_ADDR_NUM* | Opt | I 5 | ID of the default address PENTA assigns as the remit to address during invoice entry. This must be null when VEN_TYPE_CD = M (Miscellaneous Vendor). |
FORM_1099_ADDR_NUM* | Opt | I 5 | ID of the default address PENTA uses when generating 1099s for the Vendor. |
BID_ADDR_NUM* | Opt | I 5 | ID of the default address PENTA uses when generating bids for the Vendor. |
Address Note (*): The addresses referenced on the VENDOR record must either already exist or be created as part of the same interface request.
Phone Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_VEN_CONTACT_PHONE table, which contains contact phone numbers for Vendors.
Column Name | Entry | Value | Description |
ACTIVITY_CD | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values:
VEN_ID | Key | X | ID of the Vendor. |
ADDR_NUM | Req | I 5 | ID representing the Vendor’s address. |
CONTACT_NUM | Req | I 3 | ID of the contact person associated with the Vendor/address. |
PHONE_NUM_TYPE_CD | Req | C! 8 | Type of phone. Valid values are:
PHONE_AREA_CD | Req | C 3 | The area code of the corresponding number (e.g., home, office, fax, etc.). |
PHONE_NUM | Req | C 11 | The contact's number. |
PHONE_EXT | Opt | C5 | The extension of the corresponding number (e.g., home, office, fax, etc.). |
UDF Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_VEN_UDF table, which contains User Defined Fields for Vendors.
Column Name | Entry | Value | Description |
ACTIVITY_CD | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values:
VEN_ID | Key | X | ID of the Vendor. |
UDF_COLUMN_NAME | Req | C! 30 | The user defined field column to be updated. |
ALPHA_VALUE | Opt | C 2000 | The data to assign to the (UDF_COLUMN_NAME) column. Although the field is called ALPHA_VALUE, it should be used for the value of any type of user defined field:
D_EFF_DATE | Opt | D | If the field was set up to accept an effective date, this is the data’s effective date. |
Valid OU Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_VEN_VALID_OU table, which contains valid Organizational Units for a Vendor address.
Column Name | Entry | Value | Description |
ACTIVITY_CD | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values:
VEN_ID | Key | X | ID of the Vendor. |
OU_ID | Key | X | ID of organizational unit for which the Vendor is valid. |