Payroll Class Interface: Pipe Delimited Method

Payroll Class Interface: Pipe Delimited Method

Use the Payroll Classes Interface to create and update PENTA Payroll Classes Hourly Rates and Fringe Benefit Calculation Information using data from external applications. Information you load using this interface adds to or updates the data already stored in PENTA.

Data files you load must have Request Types assigned to the S Interface Type.

Each interface file should consist of one Header Record and one or more Detail Records. Detail records are either RATE records (to update pay rate information), or FRCAL records (to update fringe calculation information).

The interface process does the same edits performed in the Payroll Classes window for corresponding data fields to ensure data entry is consistent.

After interfacing records, you can review and edit them as needed in the Payroll Classes window.

Available Records

Fringe Detail Calculation (FRCAL) Detail Record

A FRCAL record adds or modifies Calculation Information for an existing Payroll Class/Fringe Benefit #.












Payroll Class #


I 8

Enter the number of the Payroll Class you are updating.

PENTA verifies the entry is valid. The Payroll Class # must exist in PR_CLASS.


Record Type


C! 5

Must be FRCAL. PENTA verifies the entry is valid. The Detail Record updates the PR_CLASS_FRNG and /or PR_CLASS_FRNG_HIST table.


Activity Code



Enter the code for the type of activity you are performing. PENTA verifies the entry is valid. Possible values are:

  • A (Add) – PENTA adds the record to the database. PENTA issues an interface error if the record already exists.

  • C (Change) – PENTA changes an existing record. If no record exists to change, PENTA issues an interface error.

  • U (Update) – PENTA does the following to update the Pay Rate record:

  • Adding the interfaced record to the database if it does not already exist.

  • Changing the record if it already exists in the database.


Fringe Benefit #


I 3

Id of the fringe for which you are modifying rates.

PENTA verifies the value exists in the PR_CLASS_FRNG table for the file’s Payroll Class #.


Effective Date



Enter the date the fringe rate record becomes effective. When the Activity Code is:

  • A – PENTA adds a record to PR_CLASS_FRNG_HIST table and updates the PR_CLASS_FRNG table if the date is greater than the current record. PENTA generates an interface error if the record already exists.

  • C – PENTA changes the rates on existing records in the PR_CLASS_FRNG/ PR_CLASS_FRNG_HIST tables that have the entered Effective Date to the ones supplied in the file. If no matching record exists, PENTA generates an interface error.

  • U – PENTA does the following:

  • Adds the record to the PR_CLASS_FRNG_HIST table if it does not exist.

  • Updates the PR_CLASS_FRNG table if the date is more recent than the current record.

PENTA changes/updates the record in the tables if it does exist—replacing existing values with those supplied in the file.


Calc Base #


C !3

The number of the Calculation Base for the record.

  • PENTA verifies the entry is valid.

  • Valid entries are those in the LOV for the Calc Base # field in the Payroll Class window’s Fringe Benefits tab.

  • PENTA issues an error for invalid entries.

  • Calc Base # is part of the primary key for the PR_CLASS_FRNG_HIST table, so the Activity Code / Existence editing detailed in the Effective Date field actually happens when a PENTA user edits the Calc Base #.

  • When adding a record with Calc Base # 17 (Reimbursable FICA), PENTA generates an error if one of the following is true:

  • Another Calc Base # already exists for the Payroll Class/Fringe.

  • The Reimbursable FICA Calc Base already exists for another Fringe for the Payroll Class.

When adding a record with a Calc Base # other than the Reimbursable FICA Calc Base, PENTA generates an error if the Reimbursable FICA Calc Base already exists for the Payroll Class/Fringe.




F 12.3

If the Calc Base # identifies an amount-based calculation, enter the appropriate amount (e.g., Calc Base # 15: Amt per hour worked), and PENTA will do the following:

  • Verify the record contains an amount if the Calc Base # is amount based.

  • Issue an error if one of the following is true:

  • An amount exists and CALC AMT_ALLOWED_CD is N.

  • The position contains invalid characters.


  • You can enter an amount when CALC. AMT_ALLOWED_CD is Y.

  • You must enter an Amount if the Calc Base # is 15.




F 7.4

If the Calc Base # identifies a percent-based calculation, enter the appropriate percent (e.g., Calc Base # 9 % of Reg Rate * Reg Hours), and PENTA will do the following:

  • Verify the record contains a percent if the Calc Base # is percent based.

  • Issue an error if one of the following is true:

  • A percentage exists and CALC PCT_ALLOWED_CD is N.

  • The position contains invalid characters.


  • This value cannot be negative.

  • You can enter a percentage when CALC PCT_ALLOWED_CD is Y.

  • You must enter a percentage if the Calc Base # is 16 or 18.


Max Hours – Per Period Limit


F 10.3

If you need to limit the hours on which PENTA calculates the fringe, enter the maximum number of hours per pay period.


  • PENTA issues an error if this position contains a value for a non-hours-based Calc Base # (CALC. MAX_ALLOWED_CD is N) or contains invalid characters.

  • This value cannot be negative.


Annual Hrs Limit


F 10.3

If you need to limit the annual (calendar year) number of hours on which PENTA calculates the fringe, enter the number of hours.


  • PENTA issues an error if this position contains a value for a non-hours-based Calc Base # (CALC. MAX_ALLOWED_CD is N) or contains invalid characters.

  • This value cannot be negative.


Max Fringe per Hour


F 14.4

If the Calc Base # is 14 (Self-Adjusting Hourly Fringe) and you need to limit the hourly fringe amount paid, enter the maximum hourly amount.


  • PENTA allows entry when the Calc Base # is 14.

  • PENTA issues an error if either is true:

  • Calc Base # is not 14.

  • The Max Fringe per Hour contains invalid characters.

  • This value cannot be negative.


Include in WC Rate Limits


C! 1

If the record is for a fringe that should be included in the pay rate when PENTA performs the WC Rate Limit check during payroll processing, enter Y. (This applies to add to gross fringes only with Calc Bases unrelated to overtime hours and percent of overtime gross.)

  • For fringes where Add to Gross is Y and non-overtime Calc Bases, valid values are Y and N.

  • For fringes where Add to Gross is N or overtime Calc Bases, the valid value is N.

  • If null, PENTA sets the value to N.

PENTA issues an error if the position contains invalid characters.




C! 1

Indicates (with a Y or N) whether the Pay Rate record is retroactive.

When this value is Y, during the interface process PENTA selects timecards eligible for retroactive pay for the Payroll Class, Fringe Benefit #, and Effective Date and makes them available for calculating retroactive Fringe Benefit adjustments (which you do in the Retroactive Fringe Adjustments window).

Fringe Pay Rate Override Calculation (FROVR) Detail Record

A FROVR record adds or modifies Pay Rate Fringe Calculation Overrides of an existing Payroll Class/Fringe Benefit # for an existing Payroll Class/Pay Rate #.












Payroll Class #


I 8

Enter the number of the Payroll Class you are updating.

PENTA verifies the entry is valid. The Payroll Class # must exist in PR_CLASS.


Record Type


C! 5

Must be FROVR. PENTA verifies the entry is valid. The Detail Record updates the PR_CLASS_FRNG_PAY_RT_OVR table.


Activity Code



The code for the type of activity you are performing. PENTA verifies the entry is valid. Possible values are:

A (Add) – PENTA adds the record to the database. PENTA issues an interface error if the record already exists.

C (Change) – PENTA changes an existing record. If no record exists to change, PENTA issues an interface error.

U (Update) – PENTA updates the Pay Rate Fringe Calculation Override record by doing the following

  • Adding the interfaced record to the database if it does not already exist.

  • Changing the record if it already exists in the database.


Fringe Benefit #


I 8

The Fringe Benefit # for which you are entering fringe calculation overrides.

PENTA verifies the value exists in the PR_CLASS_FRNG table for the file’s Payroll Class #.

Note - Pay Rate Fringe Calculation Overrides cannot be entered if the Payroll Class # / Fringe Benefit # uses the Reimbursable FICA calculation (Calc Base #17). The interface process generates an error if you attempt to enter one.


Pay Rate #


I 4

The Pay Rate # for which you are entering fringe calculation overrides. PENTA verifies the value exists in the PAY_RT table for the file’s Payroll Class #.


Effective Date



The date the pay rate fringe calculation override record becomes effective. When the Activity Code is:

A – PENTA adds a record to the PR_CLASS_FRNG_PAY_RT_OVR table. PENTA generates an interface error if the record already exists.

C – PENTA updates the information on an existing record in the PR_CLASS_FRNG_PAY_RT_OVR table that has the entered Effective Date. If no matching record exists, PENTA generates an interface error.

U – PENTA does the following:

  • Adds the record to the PR_CLASS_FRNG_PAY_RT_OVR table if it does not exist.

  • Updates the PR_CLASS_FRNG_PAY_RT_OVR table record if it does exist.

PENTA changes/updates the record in the tables if it does exist—replacing existing values with those supplied in the file. Previous values are saved for audit purposes in the PR_CLASS_FRNG_PAY_RT_AUD table.


Calc Base #


C !3

The number of the Calculation Base for the record.

  • PENTA verifies the entry is valid.

  • Valid entries are those in the LOV for the Calc Base # field in the Payroll Class window’s Fringe Benefits tab except for Calc Base # 17 (Reimbursable FICA).

  • PENTA issues an error for invalid entries.

  • Calc Base # is part of the primary key for the PR_CLASS_FRNG_PAY_RT_OVR table, so the Activity Code / Existence editing detailed in the Effective Date field happens when PENTA edits for validity of the Calc Base #.




F 12.3

If the Calc Base # identifies an amount-based calculation, enter the appropriate amount (e.g., Calc Base # 15: Amt per hour worked), and PENTA will do the following:

  • Verify the record contains an amount if the Calc Base # is amount based.

  • Issue an error if one of the following is true:

    • An amount exists and CALC AMT_ALLOWED_CD is N.

    • The position contains invalid characters.


  • You can enter an amount when CALC.AMT_ALLOWED_CD is Y.

  • If the Calc Base # is 15, you must provide an Amount. Otherwise, PENTA issues an error for the record.




F 7.4

If the Calc Base # identifies a percent-based calculation, enter the appropriate percent (e.g., Calc Base # 9 % of Reg Rate * Reg Hours), and PENTA will do the following:

  • Verify the record contains a percent if the Calc Base # is percent based.

  • Issue an error if one of the following is true:

    • A percentage exists and CALC PCT_ALLOWED_CD is N.

    • The position contains invalid characters.


  • This value cannot be negative.

  • You can enter a percentage when CALC PCT_ALLOWED_CD is Y.

  • If the Calc Base # is 16 or 18, you must provide a percent. Otherwise PENTA issues an error for the record.


Max Hours – Per Period Limit


F 10.3

If you need to limit the per pay period number of hours on which PENTA calculates the fringe, enter the maximum number of hours per pay period.


  • PENTA issues an error if this position contains a value for a non-hours-based Calc Base # (CALC. MAX_ALLOWED_CD is N) or contains invalid characters.

  • This value cannot be negative.


Annual Hrs Limit


F 10.3

If you need to limit the annual (calendar year) number of hours on which PENTA calculates the fringe, enter the number of hours.


  • PENTA issues an error if this position contains a value for a non-hours-based Calc Base # (CALC. MAX_ALLOWED_CD is N) or contains invalid characters.

  • This value cannot be negative.


Max Fringe per Hour


F 14.4

If the Calc Base # is 14 (Self-Adjusting Hourly Fringe) and you need to limit the hourly fringe amount paid, enter the maximum hourly amount.


  • PENTA allows entry when the Calc Base # is 14.

  • PENTA issues an error if either is true:

  • Calc Base # is not 14.

  • The Max Fringe per Hour contains invalid characters.

  • This value cannot be negative.


Include in WC Rate Limits


C! 1

If the record is for a fringe that should be included in the pay rate when PENTA performs the WC Rate Limit check during payroll processing, enter Y. (This applies to add to gross fringes only with Calc Bases unrelated to overtime hours and percent of overtime gross.)

  • For fringes where Add to Gross is Y with non-overtime Calc Bases, valid values are Y and N.

  • For fringes where Add to Gross is N with overtime Calc Bases, the valid value is N.

  • If null, and adding a new record, PENTA sets the value to N. A null value will not modify existing records.

PENTA issues an error if the position contains invalid characters.




C! 1

Indicates (with a Y or N) whether the pay rate fringe calculation override record is retroactive.

When this value is Y, during the interface process PENTA selects timecards eligible for retroactive pay for the Payroll Class, Fringe Benefit #, and Effective Date and makes them available for calculating retroactive Fringe Benefit adjustments (which you do in the Retroactive Fringe Adjustments window).

If null, and adding a new record, PENTA sets the value to N. A null value will not modify existing records.

PENTA permits exclusion of this value and its associated pipe.

Header Record

PENTA uses the information defined within the Header Record to validate the content of the interface file. Should any of the header fields fail validation, PENTA rejects the header and all associated Detail Records.

Each interface file must contain only one Header Record.














C! 3

Request Type code assigned to the S (Payroll Class) Interface Type.

PENTA does the following:

  • Ensures the entry is valid.

  • Rejects files with invalid identifiers (those that do not match a Payroll Class interface Request Type).


Record Count


I 10

Enter the number of Payroll Class Detail Records within the file.

If the number in the Header Record differs from the number of Detail Records read by PENTA, no update occurs and PENTA rejects the entire file.


Origination Date



Enter the date of file creation.

PENTA ensures the date is valid.


Batch Number


C 13

Enter the unique name of the file you are creating. Penta Technologies recommends that you incorporate the current date, a sequence, and source into the Batch Number.

The Batch Number must be unique within PENTA. PENTA validates against the INTR_RQST_BASE table.

Rate Detail (RATE) Detail Record

A RATE record adds or modifies an Hourly Rate record for an existing Payroll Class/Pay Rate #.












Payroll Class #


I 8

Enter the number of the Payroll Class you are updating.

PENTA ensures the entry is valid. The Class # must exist in PR_CLASS.


Record Type


C! 5

Value must be RATE. The Detail Record updates the PAY_RT table and/or the PAY_RT_HIST table.


Activity Code


C! 1

Enter the code for the type of action you are performing:

  • A – Adds the record to the database. PENTA issues an interface error if the record already exists.

  • C – PENTA changes an existing record. If no record exists to change, PENTA issues an interface error.

  • U – PENTA does the following to update the Pay Rate record:

  • Adding the interfaced record to the database if it does not already exist.

  • Changing the record if it already exists in the database.


Pay Rate #


I 4

The number of the Pay Rate for which you are modifying rates.

PENTA verifies this value exists in the PAY_RT table for the file’s Payroll Class #.


Effective Date



The date the hourly Pay Rate becomes effective. When the Activity Code is:

  • A – PENTA adds a record to PAY_RT_HIST table and updates the PR_RT table if the date is more recent than the current record. PENTA generates an interface error if the record already exists.

  • C – PENTA changes the rates on existing records in the PAY_RT/PAY_RT_HIST tables that have the entered Effective Date to the ones supplied in the file. If no matching record exists, PENTA generates an interface error.

  • U – PENTA does the following:

  • Adds the record to the PAY_RT_HIST table if it does not exist.

  • Updates the PR_RT table if the date is more recent than the current record.

PENTA changes/updates the record in the tables if it does exist—replacing existing values with those supplied in the file.


Hourly Rate – Regular


F 9.4

The regular hourly rate for the Pay Rate #/Effective Date.

  • For pay rates where the Salaried (Y/N) flag is N, valid values are zero and positive numbers; for other values, PENTA issues an interface error.

  • For pay rates where the Salaried (Y/N) flag is Y, the only valid value is null; for other values, PENTA issues an error.
    If the entered value exceeds the Hourly Pay Rate Error or Warning Thresholds in the Security Configuration window, PENTA issues an error.


Hourly Rate - Premium 1


F 9.4

Enter the Premium 1 Hourly Rate for the Pay Rate #/Effective Date.

  • For pay rates where the Salaried (Y/N) flag is N, valid values are zero and positive numbers; for other values, PENTA issues an error.

  • For pay rates where the Salaried (Y/N) flag is Y, the only valid value is null; for other values, PENTA issues an error.


  • If this value exceeds the Hourly Pay Rate Error or Warning Thresholds in the Security Configuration window, PENTA issues an error.

  • If this field is null and the Hourly Rate-Regular field contains a value, this field defaults as the value of: Hourly Rate-Regular * 1.5.


Hourly Rate - Premium 2


F 9.4

The Premium 2 Hourly Rate for the Pay Rate #/Effective Date.

  • For Pay Rates where the Salaried (Y/N) flag is N, valid entries are zero and positive numbers; PENTA issues an error for all other values.

  • For Pay Rates where the Salaried (Y/N) flag is Y, the only valid entry is null; PENTA issues an error for all other values.


  • If this value exceeds the Hourly Pay Rate Error or Warning Thresholds in the Security Configuration window, PENTA issues an error.

  • If this field is null and the Hourly Rate-Regular field contains a value, this field defaults as the value of: Hourly Rate-Regular * 2.0.


Standard Charge – Regular


F 19.4

The Regular Standard Charge Rate for the Pay Rate #/Effective Date.


  • Valid entries are null, zero, and positive numbers; PENTA issues an error for all other values.

  • PENTA issues a warning if conditions match those under which PENTA issues the following warning in the Payroll Class window (null regular standard charge rate when previous rate records had not null regular standard charge rates):
    “Entry of a price history record without STD Charge rates will result in the discontinuance of standard charges for employees assigned to this payroll class /pay rate.”


Standard Charge - Premium 1


F 9.4

The Premium 1 Standard Charge Rate for the Pay Rate #/Effective Date.

  • Valid entries are null, zero, and positive numbers; PENTA issues an error for all other values.

  • This value can only be non-null when Standard Charge-Regular is non-null.

  • If this field is null and the Standard Charge-Regular field contains a value, this field default as the value of: Standard Charge-Regular * 1.5.


Standard Charge - Premium 2


F 9.4

The Premium 2 Standard Charge Rate for the Pay Rate #/Effective Date.

  • Valid entries are null, zero and positive numbers; PENTA issues an error for all other values.

  • This value can only be non-null when Standard Charge-Regular is non-null.

  • If this field is null and the Standard Charge-Regular field contains a value, this field defaults as the value of: Standard Charge-Regular * 2.0.





Indicates (with a Y or N) whether the Pay Rate record is retroactive.

When this value is Y, during the interface process PENTA selects timecards eligible for retroactive pay for the Payroll Class, Pay Rate #, and Effective Date and makes them available for calculating retroactive Pay Rate adjustments—which you do in the Retroactive Pay Rate Adjustments window.