Insert auditor_ledger error


Use tried to receive POs, but got the attached error message. 

Error Message:

ICP003 -20857 ORA-20857: Error: an out of balance condition exists for OU XXX Fiscal Year XXXX, please contact your PENTA representative for support.

ORA-06512: at "PENTA_BIU_RAUDITOR_LEDGER:, line 133
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'PENTA_BIU_RAUDITOR_LEDGER'

insert auditor_ledger

Applies To

Penta for Windows


This error has been seen before where the user is trying to receive a PO into a closed period. Make sure the dates are not within the closed fiscal year or period. If you are still receiving this error with correct dates, please send screenshots of what is being entered in the batch and documents tabs prior to getting the error. 

If you experience this problem please submit a Service Desk ticket and reference this article.  Please provide the following information in your Service Desk ticket:

  • Screenshot of the error
  • User Id of user receiving the error