Customer Hold setup for AR days outstanding
Is there a way that PENTA can put an automatic hold on customers that are 90 days out with out running a AR Aging Report?
Applies To
PENTA for Windows
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Customers > Automated Customer AR Holds
There are two types of holds available which can be used, soft holds and hard holds. Depending on how you want PENTA to function, you can set up one of these hold code types in the Customers > Operational tab > AR Days Outstanding Limit field.
- Hard Holds: You cannot set up new work activity (work orders, maintenance contracts, or jobs).
- Soft Holds: You can set up new work activity but, they are placed on hold.
Hold codes can be set up in the Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Customer Hold Reason Codes
Once a hold code is established, add the code and the number of days allowed to the Billing & Accounts Receivable > Customers > Operational tab, AR Days Outstanding Limit: and AR Days Limit Hold Code: fields
Once a hold is placed, user security determines whether the hold can be removed. This can be reviewed/updated in the Define Users >Module Security > Service Management Module
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