Equipment Timecard (Usage) Interface: Table Driven Method
R (Replace Use the Equipment Timecard Interface to load equipment timecard information using data from external applications.
Data files you load must have Request Types assigned to the Q Interface Type.
If PENTA is unable to load an individual row, it bypasses that timecard and moves on to the next. It creates timecards using the accepted rows from the file. It notes the rejected rows and does not load them into PENTA.
Limitations & Restrictions
PENTA places the following limitations and restrictions on equipment usage timecards loaded with the interface:
The User Id entered in the interface data file is the only user who can edit and distribute the batch.
The person loading the interface file does not have to be the user identified in the Header Record. Zach can load the file, but if Larry is the user in the Header Record, only he can edit and distribute the batch once Zach loads the file.
If PENTA rejects a record, you cannot resubmit the file because a batch already exists for the file name and file type.
Where to View Loaded Data
You can view interfaced timecards in the Equipment Usage Entry window.
If necessary, you can make any corrections and/or late entries directly in PENTA. After loading, reviewing, and modifying the data, you can use PENTA to process timecards and distribute the Equipment Usage batch.
Available Tables
Customer Reference Record
The following information relates to the INTR_EQ_CUS_REF table, and is part of the Customer Reference record.
Customer Reference records are optional. A Customer Reference record must follow a work order-related Detail record.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
CUS_REF_CD | Req | C 15 | ID referring to Customer-specific information. |
CUS_REF_VALUE | Opt | C 30 | The value for the associated Customer Reference Code. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Equipment Timecard Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_EQ_DTL table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
FA_ID | Req | X | This must be a valid Fixed Asset Id with a usage charge rate (unless you entered an override rate or amount). |
D_DISTR_DATE | Req | D | This must be a valid date in an open accounting period for both the OU to which the asset belongs and the OU you are charging. |
JOB_ID | Opt | X | If populated:
COST_TYPE_CD | Opt | C 4 | Required if there is a Job ID; otherwise, do not enter a value. This must be a valid Cost Type Code for the Job Type. |
CC | Opt | X | Required if Job Id is populated; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
DR_OU_ID | Opt | X | Populate only if the Job Id and Charge To Asset Id are null; otherwise should be null (will default from the other charge destination). |
DR_ACCT_NUM | Opt | X | Populate only if the Job Id and Charge To Asset Id are null; otherwise should be null (will default from the other charge destination). If populated, must be a valid non-edit rule account number for the OU Id. |
CHRG_FA_ID | Opt | X | Populate only if the Job Id and OU Id are null. If you populate this column:
FA_EXP_CAT_NUM | Opt | I 3 | Required if Charge To Asset Id is not null; otherwise, do not enter a value. Only enter an expense category valid for the Charge To Asset’s class. The account will default from the account associated with this category at the class level. |
UNITS_CHRGD | Req | F 12.3 | Number of charged units being reported. |
UM | Req | C 5 | This must be a valid unit of measure with a charge rate for this fixed asset. |
CHRG_CD | Req | C! 1 | Possible values are:
OVERRIDE_RATE | Opt | F 15.4 | If populated, PENTA uses this rate to calculate the charge amount. |
OVERRIDE_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | If populated, this will be the charge amount. |
EQ_WORK_STAT_CD | Req | C! 1 | Possible values are:
CO_ID | Opt | X | Populate only if the Job Id is not null. This must be a valid Change Request Id for the job. Indicates that this charge is related to a specific change request. |
LINE_ITEM_NUM | Opt | I 6 | Populate only if the Job Id is not null. This must be a valid line item for the line item job. Indicates PENTA should link this charge to a specific contract line item. |
TRANX_REF_ID | Opt | C 15 | PENTA marks job cost and billing transactions within the interface files with this Transaction Reference Id. This enables your outside application to perform functions (e.g., billing and profit analysis) by whatever grouping this Id represents. |
WO_ID | Opt | C! 25 | Id of the work order. |
WO_OU_ID | Opt | X | Id of the OU associated with the work order. |
WO_COST_TYPE_CD | Opt | C! 4 | Cost Type code of the work order. |
WO_CUS_LOC_CD | Opt | C 8 | Id of the Customer Location associated with the work order. |
WO_CUS_EQ_ID | Opt | C 15 | Piece of customer equipment needing service. |
WO_TASK_ID | Opt | C! 10 | Task associated with the work order. |
WO_FA_ID | Opt | X | Work order fixed asset Id. |
WO_FA_EXP_CAT_ | Opt | I 3 | Work order fixed asset category expense number. |
WO_MAINT_SCHD_ | Opt | I 6 | Work order maintenance schedule number. |
WO_MAINT_CONTRACT_ID | Opt | C! 15 | Work order maintenance contract Id. |
LONG_DESCR | Opt | C 2000 | Notes or comments about the equipment record. |
ACTIVITY_LOG_SA_ | Opt | I 10 | The System Assigned Number associated with a Crew Activity Log |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |