Purchase Order Interface: Table Driven Method
Use the Purchase Order Interface to load purchase order data from external applications. Information you load using this interface adds to or updates data already stored in PENTA.
This interface supports Job, Work Order, and OU & Account line items.
The Purchase Order Interface has a Request Type of PO and an Interface Type of P. Data files you load must have Request Types assigned to the P Interface Type.
PENTA creates or updates purchase orders using the accepted records from the file. It notes the rejected records and does not load them into PENTA.
If PENTA is unable to load an individual row, it bypasses that purchase order and moves on to the next. For example, rows (lines) 1, 2, and 3 are for purchase order 678. If row 2 has an error, rows 1, 2, and 3 are not loaded.
Purchase Order Interface Limitations & Restrictions
PENTA places the following limitations and restrictions on purchase order data loaded with the interface:
PENTA does not support the following line item types:
Account Distribution
Fixed Asset Distribution
Inventory Warehouse Distribution
Distribute when Received
You are restricted from entering or maintaining shipping address information and purchase order and line item comments, text, order requirements, and user-defined field values. You must maintain this information solely in the external application or in the Purchase Orders window.
Although the external application can request that PENTA mark a purchase order or one of its line items for deletion, it cannot actually perform the deletion.
If PENTA rejects a purchase order Master Record, the entire purchase order is rejected (not the entire data file). You must correct the data in the external application and then reload the file before submitting additional changes to the rejected purchase orders.
If the value of System Option 152 (“Track Sales and Use Tax”) is Y, you cannot define tax overrides in the data file. PENTA calculates taxes from the Job’s default information.
Do not load tax lines into PENTA. PENTA calculates sales and use tax from the job’s Costcode tax rules or the job’s tax jurisdiction list if there are no rules. The PENTA-calculated tax may be different from the tax calculated by the external application.
You cannot delete purchase orders and line items by loading a data file.
Purchase Order Interface- Loading Purchase Order Data
You can use the Initiate Batch Interface Request window to load purchase order data.
The Initiate Batch Interface Request window has the following features:
You can update specific purchase order columns without re-sending all other information associated with the main purchase and Detail Records.
A purchase order Type Code is required. Available Type Codes are:
STD – Standard
BULK – Bulk (parent line number must be defined for bulk purchase orders)
FAB – Fabricated
BLKT – Blanket
You can load additional data to process sales and use tax more accurately.
Purchase Order Where to View Loaded Data
You can review and modify interfaced data in the Purchase Order Information window and Purchase Order – Grid Option window.
Available Tables
Purchase Order Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_PO_DTL table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records that PENTA should process together. |
OU_ID | Req | X | Id of the OU assigned to the Purchase Order. |
PO_NUM | Req | X | Id of the Purchase Order. |
LINE_NUM | Req | I 9 | Id of the line on the Purchase Order. |
JOB_ID | Opt | X | Id of the Job associated with the Purchase Order. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
PO_STAT_CD | Req | C! 1 | Status of the Purchase Order. Possible values are:
ITEM_NUM | Opt | X | Non-inventory reference number. Could be relevant to the vendor or a work reference. |
LONG_DESCR | Opt | C 2000 | The description of the line item. If null, PENTA copies the value from the Detail – Master Record. |
DISTR_TYPE_CD | Req | C 1 | Available values:
ALLOW_OVRN_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | The amount by which you allow the invoice value to be over the original cost. If the record is for a child line of a bulk purchase order, this should not contain a value. |
ALLOW_OVRN_PCT | Opt | F 8.5 | The percent by which you allow the invoice value to be over the original cost. If the record is for a child line of a bulk purchase order, this should not contain a value. |
CC | Req | X | Id of the line item’s Costcode. |
COST_TYPE_CD | Req | C! 4 | Id of the line item’s Cost Type. |
LUMP_SUM_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | For an Activity Code of A, if the Lump Sum Amount is set, the Unit Price and Units must be null. |
UP | Opt | F 12.3 | The Unit Price. For an Activity Code of A, if Unit Price contains a value, a value for Units is required and Lump Sum Amount must be null. |
UNITS | Req | F 12.3 | For an Activity Code of A, if Unit Price contains a value, an entry in this column is required. |
PO_CO_ID | Opt | X | Id of the purchase order’s Change Request. Validate against the PO_CO table for the current purchase order. If the Id does not exist, PENTA adds it. |
PO_CO_DESCR | Opt | C 30 | If the description is in the PO_CO table, update the description. If it does not exist, PENTA adds it. |
PAR_LINE_NUM | Opt | I 9 | Id of the parent line item. The line number may not be associated with a PO line that is a child to another line. The parent line must already exist. If the Purchase Order Type code from the Detail – Master Record is BULK, this column must contain a value. |
PO_LINE_TYPE_CD | Req | C! 1 | Validate against the PO_LINE_TYPE table. Available values:
UM | Opt | C 5 | The Unit of Measure. PENTA validates against the UNIT_OF_MEASURE table. |
D_NEEDED_DATE | Opt | D | The date you need the line item in-house. |
D_PROMISED_DATE | Opt | D | The date the line item was promised. |
TAX_EXEMPT_ | Opt | C! 3 | Explanation for why the Purchase Order is tax exempt. |
TAX_PERMIT_ID | Opt | C 15 | A free-format value signifying the tax-exempt permit number provided by the Vendor. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | The Id of the user assigned to the PO. Can be a generic user, but the Id must exist in PENTA. |
ALLOW_OVRN_UP_ | Opt | F 8.5 | Percent by which you allow the invoice value for the unit price of this line item to be over the original cost. |
ALLOW_OVRN_UP_ | Opt | F 15.2 | Overrun for Unit Price amounts. Amount by which you allow the invoice value for the unit price of this line item to be over the original cost. |
RET_PCT | Opt | F 8.5 | The Retention Percent PENTA should withhold from each invoice generated on or after the Effective Date. |
PRICING_FACTOR_CD | Opt | C! 2 | Code identifying the vendor-pricing rules for purchased products. |
PROD_ID | Opt | X | Id of the purchased product. |
DR_OU_ID | Opt | X | Id of the OU debited. |
DR_ACCT_NUM | Opt | X | Id of the account debited. |
WO_ID | Opt | C! 25 | Id of the Work Order associated with the line item distribution. |
WO_OU_ID | Opt | X | Id of the Organizational Unit associated with the Work Order. |
WO_COST_TYPE_CD | Opt | C! 4 | Id of the Work Order’s Cost Type associated with the transaction. |
WO_TASK_ID | Opt | C! 10 | Id of the Work Order Task associated with the line item distribution. |
WO_MAINT_ | Opt | C! 15 | Id of the Work Order’s Maintenance Contract associated with the line item distribution. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
MODIFICATION_DATE | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Purchase Order Header Record
The following information relates to the INTR_PO_HDR table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records that PENTA should process together. |
RECORD_COUNT | Req | I 10 | Each batch includes a count of the records (header and detail) within the file. If the number in the Header Record differs from the number read by PENTA, no update occurs and PENTA rejects the entire file. |
DATA_CHECK_ | Req | I 8 | The sum of the Record Type Number columns for all Master and Detail records associated with this Header record. For example, if this file contains 1 Master record (Record Type Number = 1) with 6 Detail records (Record Type Number = 2), the Data Check Verifier value is 13 ((1 * 1) + (6 * 2)). |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_DATE | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Purchase Order Master Record
The following information relates to the INTR_PO_MSTR table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records that PENTA should process together. |
OU_ID | Req | X | Id of the organizational unit associated with the purchase order. |
PO_NUM | Req | X | Id of the purchase order. |
JOB_ID | Opt | X | Id of the Job associated with the purchase order. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
PO_STAT_CD | Req | C! 1 | Status of the Purchase Order. Available values:
D_RQST_DATE | Req | D | The date you requested the Purchase Order items from the vendor. |
CO_ID | Opt | X | Id of the Job’s Change Request. |
VEN_ID | Req | X | Id of the Vendor. |
DESCR | Req | C 30 | Description of the Purchase Order. |
CHANGE_TYPE_CD | Req | C! 1 | Change Type Code identifies how purchase orders update. Valid values are:
PO_TYPE_CD | Req | C! 4 | The Purchase Order’s classification. Validate against the PO_TYPE table. Available values:
PAY_TERM_NUM | Opt | C! 3 | Id for the Purchase Order’s terms of payment. |
CURRENCY_ID | Req | C! 3 | If null, the currency of the Vendor is used. Validate against the table currency. Required if System Option 44 is Y; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
PO_CHK_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Sum of all the PO detail line rows for a new (added) purchase order, or for a new (added) purchase order line. If null, PENTA does not check. PENTA uses this amount within the interface program only. PENTA does not insert it into the PO_MSTR table, since PENTA calculates tax, which would create an immediate error the next time a user views the purchase order. |
TAX_EXEMPT_ | Opt | C! 3 | Explanation for why the Purchase Order is tax exempt. |
TAX_PERMIT_ID | Opt | C 15 | A free-format value signifying the tax-exempt permit number provided by the Vendor. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the user assigned to the Purchase Order. Can be a generic user, but the Id must exist in PENTA. |
CONTACT_NUM | Opt | C! 3 | Id of the Purchase Order’s vendor contact. |
D_RELEASE_DATE | Opt | D | The date approved drawings must be released in order for the project to remain on schedule. |
FAB_DELIVERY_DAYS | Opt | I 4 | The expected number of days to fabricate and deliver the Purchase Order materials. |
SHIP_METHOD_CD | Opt | C! 4 | Id of the preferred method of shipment. Typically, ground, next day, two day, etc. are usable values in this column. Valid values originate in the Shipping Methods window. |
SHIP_METHOD_DESCR | Opt | C 30 | Description of the preferred method of shipment. |
FREIGHT_TERM_CD | Opt | C! 8 | Id of the terms under which the purchased items will ship. |
PO_ORDER_TYPE_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Available values:
ALLOW_OVRN_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | The amount by which you allow the invoice value to be over the original cost. If the record is for a child line of a bulk purchase order, this should not contain a value. |
ALLOW_OVRN_PCT | Opt | F 8.5 | The percentage by which you allow the invoice value to be over the original cost. If the record is for a child line of a bulk purchase order, this should not contain a value. |
REQUESTER_EMP_ID | Opt | X | Id of the employee making a request for the Purchase Order. |
PURCH_AGENT_EMP_ | Opt | X | The employee Id of the purchasing agent. |
PMGR_EMP_ID | Opt | X | The employee Id of the project manager. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
MODIFICATION_DATE | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
WO_ID | Opt | C! 25 | Id of the Work Order associated with the Purchase Order’s line item distribution. |
WO_OU_ID | Opt | X | Id of the OU associated with the WO_ID. |
SHIP_NAME | Opt | C 30 | Name of the address where materials will ship. |
SHIP_ADDR_1 | Opt | C 30 | First line of the shipping address. |
SHIP_ADDR_2 | Opt | C 30 | Second line of the shipping address. |
SHIP_ADDR_3 | Opt | C 30 | Third line of the shipping address. |
SHIP_CITY | Opt | C 20 | City where the materials will ship. |
SHIP_ST_CD | Opt | C! 4 | State or province where the materials will ship. |
SHIP_POSTAL_CD | Opt | C! 10 | Postal (or zip) code where the materials will ship. |
SHIP_COUNTRY_CD | Opt | C! 3 | Country where the materials will ship. |