Copy Validations on Validation tab in Organizational Units window


  • I am setting up a new Organizational Unit
  • On the Validation Tab there is an option to Copy Validations for accounts from OU ID. Since we have OU authorization setup in Chart of Accounts I am pretty sure I want to do this so I do not have to go back to each account
  • I am not sure if I need to copy validations for Job Types, Cost Types, and Payroll Classes - These are setup to be valid for all OUs. Do I need to copy anything for them?


  • PENTA for windows
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Organizational Unit Window


  • If Accounts, Job Types, Payroll Classes, Vendors, and/or Customers have Organizational Authorizations setup use the copy validations tab to copy Validations from an existing OU to the new OU
  • If you are not limiting access to Accounts, Job Types, Payroll Classes, Vendors, and/or Customers there is no need to copy those validations