Find ACH File that errored


  • When generating our AP ACH file today we received an Internal Error
  • We cannot regenerate the file and do not know where to go look for the file

Applies To

  • Accounts Payable > Check Processing > Create AP Direct Deposit File window
  • Core FTP


  1. Login to CoreFTP or a similar FTP software 
  2. In CoreFTP on the right side go to the following folder: /opt/app/penta/data/prod.penta/rpt_io  
    1. If testing, the bold might be train or test, depending on the database used for the testing
  3. The file should be in the rpt_io folder
  4. Look for the file by date or file name


  • Creation of the ACH file errored with and internal error and did not get to the save in folder step.