Generate AR Statement Report For Multiple Customers


How can I generate the AR Statement report for multiple customers? I can generate the report for a single customer within the 'Manage Customer Receivables' window but how do I generate it for multiple customers?

Applies To

PENTA Reports by Module > Accounts Receivable > AR Statement - Postscript

Billing & Accounts Receivable > Customers > Customers

System Management > System Rules > System Configuration

Penta Reports > Report Initiation


Within the Report Initiation window, utilize the AR Statement - Postscript report to generate the statement report for a single customer or for multiple customers at the same time:

Please note the following limitations/clarifications:

  1. The customer must be marked to print statements in the Customers window, under the Operation tab, and using the 'Receivable Statements' check box,
  2. The amount open for the customer exceeds the amount listed in the 'Print Statements Only If Amount Exceeds:' field on the Accounts Receivable tab of the System Configuration window, and
  3. The amounts open for the customer fall into the appropriate aging periods to be included on the report as defined by the 'Limit Stmts To Those With Current Amts (Y/N):' field on the Accounts Receivable tab of the System Configuration window.