Generate AR Statement Report For Multiple Customers
Generate AR Statement Report For Multiple Customers
How can I generate the AR Statement report for multiple customers? I can generate the report for a single customer within the 'Manage Customer Receivables' window but how do I generate it for multiple customers?
Applies To
PENTA Reports by Module > Accounts Receivable > AR Statement - Postscript
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Customers > Customers
System Management > System Rules > System Configuration
Penta Reports > Report Initiation
Within the Report Initiation window, utilize the AR Statement - Postscript report to generate the statement report for a single customer or for multiple customers at the same time:
Please note the following limitations/clarifications:
- The customer must be marked to print statements in the Customers window, under the Operation tab, and using the 'Receivable Statements' check box,
- The amount open for the customer exceeds the amount listed in the 'Print Statements Only If Amount Exceeds:' field on the Accounts Receivable tab of the System Configuration window, and
- The amounts open for the customer fall into the appropriate aging periods to be included on the report as defined by the 'Limit Stmts To Those With Current Amts (Y/N):' field on the Accounts Receivable tab of the System Configuration window.
, multiple selections available,
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