Hourly Rate used on Change Request line item


We are trying to add hours to an existing costcode at a new rate on a Change Request. However, the hourly rate only applies to the new hours added, not all previously estimated hours. The dollar impact is inaccurate based on the hours/rate being entered. The current process would require the project manager to manually calculate the new crew mix outside of the system and put the rate in the field, which could lead to significant error. We need the ability to add new hours at a different rate without impacting all prior hours.

Is there a way to prevent the system from applying the new rate used in a Change Request to all existing hours on a costcode?

Applies To

PENTA for Windows

Project Management > Change Management > Change Requests


When hours are updated on a change request, the rate applies to all hours entered in the estimate. There is no setting/option available where only current and future hours have the new rate. The only way this can be done is by using different costcodes. PENTA does calculate a blended hourly rate if you enter the estimate using a lump sum and hours.