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Update Purchase Order Default Tax Jurisdictions
Tax Jurisdictions on Purchase Orders defaults in based on the purchase order distribution, this includes the job, work order, or overhead organizational unit. If a job is setup with a costcode tax rule template, the rules defined will override the job tax jurisdictions and become the default on purchase orders. It is imperative to review the default tax and update as needed so when AP invoices are entered against the purchase order, the tax matches and no tax is accrued. Tax can ultimately be overridden during AP invoice entry but if default tax is correct, this is limited and the process is most efficient. The below training video walks through the process of updating default tax during purchase order setup.
- Override default tax in exception cases to ensure it does not need to be overridden during AP Invoice entry
- Reduces the chances of incorrect AP tax accruals
- Purchasing Coordinator
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- Purchasing > Purchase Orders - Grid Options
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