Why doesn't our net zero invoice clear out?


 I voided the original cash receipt and made an adjusting cash receipt entry, but as you can see, the transactions still appear on account and continue aging with no open amount.


Penta for Windows

Review Customer Receivables:

Billing & Accounts Receivable > Manage A/R Status > Manage Customer Receivables

Clear Net Zero Cash Receipts:

Billing & Accounts Receivable > Credit Memos/Reversals > Close Zero Net Invoices


Navigating to the Close Zero Net Invoices and completing this process will clear invoices that net to zero. Steps to clear net zero invoices:

  1. Navigate to Billing & Accounts Receivable > Credit Memos/Reversals > Close Zero Net Invoices
  2. Change the Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable or both flags to Y
  3. Click on Start Processes - Penta will clear invoices that net to zero