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Copy/Create Costcode Tax Rules
The Costcode Tax Rule Maintenance window allows Jobs to have different rules for sales tax. It might be that one state taxes similar work differently than another state and a Tax Rule Template exists for each state, so the rules can be assigned to the Job. As costcodes are charged to a Job, the tax rules are applied.
- Provides flexibility to create tax rules by costcode to comply with complex taxing jurisdiction rules.
- Templates can be created to consistently apply rules or be tweaked on a job by job basis without creating a new template when the standard application of rules does not apply
- Tax Jurisdictions can vary by costcode which is useful if Materials, Labor, etc., do not apply to a specific tax jurisdiction and that specific jurisdiction is applicable to all other cost types, or vice versa
- Project Coordinator
- Sales Tax Manager
Additional Content
- Project Management > Jobs > Costcode Tax Rule Maintenance
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