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Combined 1099 Filing State Information


Combined 1099 Filing for State reporting allows companies to submit a single electronic file to the IRS, and the IRS will share the 1099 data with the appropriate states automatically. Unfortunately, not all states currently allow combined filing. In the Combined 1099 Filing State Information window, your company can define which states participate in this process so that they are included in the combined 1099 file. All states not defined for combined filing will need to be filed separately. Companies expecting to file electronically in one or multiple states should consider participating in the program.


  • Avoids filing 1099 information for individual states
  • Ability to define the states that are included in the combined filing and which are not and thus need to be filed separately


  • Accounts Payable Manager
  • Controller


  • Accounts Payable > Year End Processing > 1099 Processing > Combined 1099 Filing State Information


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