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Create Service Quote for a Maintenance Contract
The Service Quote window allows you to enter and review Service Quotes for repeated, scheduled service work covered under a Maintenance Contract or for one-time work (typically addressed via a single Work Order) for repairs, installations, etc. This window structures Service Quote information as follows:
- General Service Quote information. This outlines information such as the Customer, the nature of the work, and how the request for the Service Quote came about.
- One or more Versions for the Service Quote. For a Version, you can establish most of the information related to Service Quote’s terms (coverage period, dollar amounts, and pricing).
- Optionally, a list of Items within each Version. An Item typically represents customer equipment to be serviced in some way.
- An Item can have a list of underlying Tasks. You can either have these Tasks repeat multiple times within the Service Quote’s coverage period (as in the case of a Maintenance Contract) or simply create a list of Tasks required to perform a repair.
- If it represents a Task grouping instead of a piece of customer equipment, an Item can also have an Equipment List.
- A Version can have Other Costs that are subsequent to the actual work, such as permit fees or travel costs.
- The terms under which you will bill the work defined within the Version.
- A history of communications regarding the Service Quote between you and the Customer.
- User Defined Fields that apply to the Service Quote.
The Service Quote’s amount can be as simple as entering a fixed amount at the Version level, or as complex as a detailed amount drawing on standard costs, prices, hours, etc. established for customer equipment and Tasks.
This window consists of three major areas:
- Header block – Identifies the Id, description, and classification of the Quote.
- Left pane – Allows you can navigate through and open the various screens in this window. The left pane also provides buttons which you can use to create new Versions, Items, or Tasks.
- Work area – Located under the header and to the right of the left pane, this area allows you to enter and view information related to the Service Quote. When you click on a screen name in the left pane, the work area displays the actual screen.
The video below walks you though how to create a service quote specific to a maintenance contract
- Process to build a quote for a customer using predefined pricing rules
- Once the quote is created, and ultimately approved by the customer, you can quickly have the system create a maintenance contract to proceed with the work
- Build quotes at a equipment, task, materials level
- Service Salesman
- Service Manager
Additional Content
- Service Management > Quoting > Service Quotes
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