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Web Dispatch Board - Unassigned/On Hold Sections
While looking at the tech board view, users can click on the green bar located on the left hand side of the screen. Clicking on the green bar will display the Unassigned/On Hold Section. This section has two tabs:
Unassigned tab:
- Displays all Unassigned Work Orders
On Hold tab:
- Displays all On Hold Work Orders
The Unassigned/On Hold Section includes an optional search bar, any text entered into the search bar will search the work orders in the list and query back only the work orders that match the search. All information shown within each work order block is searchable! The Work Orders list can easily be filtered using your predefined work order filters. This section also includes sorting options. When its time to dispatch a work order to a technicians, you can use the drag and drop feather to drag a work order to the Technician Board over a specific Technician. For more information on the Unassigned/On Hold section, check out the video below.
- Embedded Unassigned and On Hold Work Order list on the main Technicians Board
- Quickly drag and drop to assign work
- Filter, Sort, or Search for Work Orders
- Ability to drill into additional work order information
- Service Dispatcher
- Service Manager
Additional Content
- N/A
- Service Management > Scheduling > Service Dispatch - Task Based (Web)
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