PENTA Learning Center is an evolving tool. Additional content is added as soon as it is available.
School Information
The School Information window allows you to define all of the schools that you are interested in tracking in PENTA's Human Resources module. Once the complete list of School's have been setup in the system, they can be assigned to employees via the Employee HR Information window. The Employee Profile Search window can then be utilized to search for a list of employees that went to a specific school in combination with any other skill, or certification. This information can also be viewed within the Employee HR Information window.
Examples of Schools
- University of Wisconsin
- Marquette University
- Washington Elementary School
- Track the college or school employees graduated from
- Search for employees based on school information
- Human Resources Manager
Additional Content
- N/A
- Human Resources > Setup > Education > School Information
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Penta Technologies continuously strives to improve customer content, therefore, information is subject to change at any time.