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Recurring Journal Entry
Use the Recurring Journal Entries window to establish journal entries that PENTA posts each month as part of the month-end closing process. Recurring Journal Entries can be posted to an OU and Account, Job Distributions, or combo of the two. The entry will run automatically as part of a close depending on configuration and if the entry is balanced. Otherwise, if the recurring entry is left as blank, the recurring journal entry process stops and waits for a balanced entry to be made.
- Create Journal Entries made each month to be processed automatically
- Accounting Manager
- Controller
Additional Content
- These entries can be posted automatically as part of the Close Accounting Period process (see the description of System Option #76 (“Recurring Journal Entry with Close”)) or they can post outside of the Accounting Period Close process using the Recurring JE Distribution window.
- Finance & Accounting > Data Entry > Journal Entries > Recurring Journal Entries
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