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Storage Locations and Yards
The Yard is a key concept for those organizations utilizing Equipment Tracking in PENTA. A yard represents a physical holding place for Equipment. Use the Equipment Yard Information window to set up, modify, and delete equipment storage yards where your equipment is located. You can either assign equipment to a job location or to an equipment yard. In the Asset Information window, PENTA allows you to identify the “home” yard for each piece of equipment. The “home” yard is the yard responsible for the primary maintenance and care of that equipment item. Other yards may exist that represent regional offices, and equipment may be temporarily transferred to a regional yard when used on jobs or work orders performed by that business unit.
- Provides the ability to track locations of Fixed Assets within PENTA.
- Facilitates charging Equipment to Organizational Units based on a "Rental" method of Equipment Costing.
- Allows for Parent Child "Yards" allowing users to report on equipment location based on either the Parent or Child Yard.
- Accounting Manager
- Accounting Clerk
- Fixed Asset Manager
- Controller
- Assistant Clerk
- Fixed Asset Management> Setup> Storage Location/Yards
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