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Standard Inventory Pricing Schedule


The Standard Inventory Pricing Schedule window allows you to create, maintain, and delete a set of rules that PENTA uses to bill inventory to cost plus and time & material jobs. A schedule consists of a sequenced list of rules that PENTA uses to convert costs to an invoice price. You can have multiple sets of rules on a schedule, one set for each effective date. PENTA uses these rules to calculate invoice amounts for Inventory used on Jobs.


  • Define rules to allow the system to automatically calculate markup on costs for billing and revenue
  • Assign pricing schedules at the customer or customer location level which can automatically default to new jobs during job setup
  • Utilizing standard schedules avoids the need to set up a new schedule for each new project


  • Billing Clerk

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  • Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Pricing Schedules > Standard Inventory Pricing Schedule


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