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Manage Customer Receivables - Query Customer
The Manage Customer Receivables window allows you to query, view, and perform a variety of invoicing functions, such as:
- Group invoices you want a customer to act on, for example:
- Record collection activities and group invoices that you expect customers to act on together (e.g., invoices customers promised to pay because of a collection call).
- Create or modify notes, assigning an Action Code and Action Date to an employee for follow up activity.
- Assign a date and code to a note for follow up activity.
- Assign an action to an employee within your company.
- Issue a credit memo.
- Assign to a customer a “hold” status.
- Record notes at a customer level, not related to invoices.
- View several customer receivable records at once with the Grid View option in the top block of the window.
This training video walks through the process of querying customers in the Manage Customer Receivable window using a variety of fields/attributes.
- Query back multiple customers based on predefined criteria
- Review AR status by Customer
- Optionally track follow up via Invoice Notes
- Accounts Receivable Clerk
- Accounts Receivable Manager
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- Billing & Accounts Receivable > Manage AR Status > Manage Customer Receivables
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