Accounting for Unapplied Labor Charges


Is it possible to charge overhead expense or unapplied labor to a job cost expense account that has a COS edit rule account?

Applies To

PENTA for Windows

Project Management

Payroll Processing

Chart of Accounts (Finance & Accounting > Setup > Accounts)


If a general ledger account has a COS edit rule assigned, that account can only be debited or credited if it satisfies the required fields that are associated to the COS edit rule account. In this case, the entry must have a valid Job, Cost Type, and Costcode.

There are two options for handling this situation

  1. Setup an 'Overhead Job' and map Cost Types to the corresponding COS edit rule account. When overhead charges come in that should be charged to the COS edit rule account, charge the expense to the overhead job, overhead cost type, and a costcode.
  2. Create a new general ledger account, that does NOT have an edit rule code, and group this account on the same line item as the equivalent COS edit rule account. When costs come in, charge the overhead expense directly to this new account.