This page will be updated frequently, please check back often
Where can I find all information related to PENTA and 2020 End of Year?
Where can I find the End of Year Guides?
Where can I review the past End of Year Bulletins?
Applies To
Penta for Windows
- Bulletin 1 - Preparing for Year-End 2020 and Payroll Year 2021
- Bulletin 2 - Ordering Forms
- Bulletin 3 - Year End Tax kit Reservation
- Bulletin 4 - End of Year Guides
End of Year Guides
State Tax Withholding Guide
Used for setting up withholding codes in states that require special setup. Updated as of 1/1/20 and the next update will be published in January 2021 if any changes are needed.
2020 State Tax Withholding Guide Jan 2020
December Tax Kit Details
The 2020 December End of Year Tax Kit includes Federal and State changes announced prior to December 9th. This includes changes/updates to the following:
- Federal withholding tables
- Federal FICA wage base
- 1099-NEC (paper and electronic)
- 1099-MISC (paper and electronic)
- FFCRA box 14 reporting
- Ohio RITA W2 Reporting
- Ohio local W2 Reporting (Bowling Green, Columbus, Maumee and Toledo only)
- State withholding updates
- Arkansas
- California
- Idaho
- Iowa
- Maine
- Missouri
- New Jersey
- New York
- South Carolina
- State UC Wage Base updates
- Delaware
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Iowa
- Missouri
- Montana
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- Oregon
- Utah
- Vermont
- Wyoming