How do I setup the AR Writeoff Account and AR Writeoff Threshold Amount fields, they're grayed out in both the System Configuration & Organization Units windows and are non-enterable?
Why are AR/AP invoices getting auto written off in PENTA?
After posting an AP Invoice, it is not available for payment, why?
Applies To
PENTA for Windows → System Management → System Configuration
PENTA for Windows → Finance & Accounting → Setup → Organization Units → Organization Units
- When this feature is setup, AP/AR invoices will be automatically written off when they fall below the set threshold amount. This feature was designed to keep the aging clean and eliminate the overhead of manually writing off small variances between open amounts and what was paid
- The inability to access these fields is due to a Module Security setting. The "Allowed to adjust AP/AR writeoff thresholds" security parameter in the Accounts Payable-General module controls whether these fields are accessible for a user. The security parameter in the AP module controls access to the Writeoff Account and Writeoff Threshold Amount for both AP and AR. The security parameter must be set to "Yes" for a user to have access to these fields: