Where can I find a template for the Purchase Orders, Import Line Item Details pop up?
Applies To
Purchase Orders - Grid Option > Detail Tab >
PFW 21.2 and up
Here is a template for the Purchase Orders - Grid Options, Import Line Item Details. PO import template.xlsx
Enter all desired fields for each line and load the file using the Import Line Item Details pop up.
Note: The row that starts the line item detail information needs to have a named value of start_detail on the row number itself.
Spreadsheet columns you include must have names for price information.
PENTA Field Label | Excel Column Name | Required In File? |
Line Number | line_num | If it is not auto-numbered |
Product Id | prod_id | If it is an inventory distribution |
Catalog Id | catalog_id | If it is an inventory distribution |
Supplier Product Id | ven_prod_id | If it is an inventory distribution |
Description | long_descr | |
Units | price_data_units | |
Purchase UM | pum | |
Unit Price | price_data_orig_up | No |
Price Factor | price_data_pricing_factor_cd | No |
Price Multiplier | price_data_price_mult | No |
Amount | cc_calcamount | |
Line Type | po_line_type_cd | |
Job Id | job_id | If it is a job distribution |
Cost Type | cost_type_cd | If it is a job distribution |
Costcode | cc | If it is a job distribution |
OU | dr_ou_id | If it is a GL Distribution |
GL Account | acct_num | If it is a GL Distribution |
Fixed Asset Id | fa_id | If it is a fixed asset distribution |
FA Expense Category | fa_exp_cat_num | If it is a fixed asset distribution |
Work Order Id | wo_id | If it is a work order distribution |
Work Order OU Id | wo_ou_id | If it is a work order distribution |
Work Order Cost Type | wo_cost_type_cd | If it is a work order distribution |
Task Id | wo_task_id | No |
Maint Contract Id | maint_contract_id | No |
Line Status | po_stat_cd | |
Status Date | d_stat_date | |
Tag Id | item_num | No |
Taxable? | taxable_indicator | |
Tax Exempt Reason | tax_exempt_reason_cd | |
Tax Certificate | tax_certificate | |
UM Ratio (Purch) | pum_ratio | |
UM Ratio (Stock) | um_ratio | |
Overrun Percent | allow_ovrn_pct | |
Overrun Amount | allow_ovrn_amt | |
Overrun U.P. Percent | allow_ovrn_up_pct | |
Overrun U.P. Amount | allow_ovrn_up_amt | |
Date Needed | d_needed_date | |
Date Promised | d_promised_date | |
Manufacturer Id | display_manufacturer_id | |
Manufacturer Cat # | display_manufacturer_cat_num | |
UDF 1* | udf_1_column_name* | |
UDF 2* | udf_2_column_name* | |
UDF 3* | udf_3_column_name* | |
UDF 4* | udf_4_column_name* | and so on... |