The Job Pay Rate/Standard Charge Schedule window allows you to set up and maintain hourly pay rates, standard charge rates, and standard charge markup percentages for specific payroll class pay rates for work performed on specific jobs. PENTA selects rates from this schedule during payroll processing according to its pay rate selection hierarchy, which is:
- Rates overridden in the Timecard Entry window.
- Rates at the Job/Employee/Cost Type/Costcode level (Job/CT/CC Pay Rate/Charge Schedule).
- Rates at the Job/Employee level (Job Employee Pay Rate/Charge Schedule).
- Rates at the Job/Payroll Class and Pay Rate level (Job Pay Rate/Standard Charge Schedule).
- Rates at the Job Type/Payroll Class and Pay Rate level (Job Type Pay Rate/Standard Charge Schedule).
- Rates from the Pay Rate standard charge schedule assigned to the Job.
- Rates overridden at the Employee level.
- Rates entered at the Payroll Class and Pay Rate level.
- Ability to define job specific override hourly pay rates, charge rates, and standard charge (cost) markup percentages for payroll class/pay rate combinations
- Payroll Manager
- Project Management > Jobs > Job Standard Charge Schedules > Job Pay Rate/Standard Charge Schedule