Inventory Transfer Interface: Table Driven Method
Use the Inventory Transfer Interface to load inventory transfer data from external applications. Information you load using this interface adds to the data already stored in PENTA.
Data files you load must have Request Types assigned to the I Interface Type.
If PENTA is unable to load an individual row, it bypasses that row and moves on to the next. It notes the rejected rows and does not load them into PENTA.
The following System Options affect interfaced records:
125 (Mark Batch for Distribution) controls whether PENTA automatically distributes the batches.
128 (Reject Interface File on Error) whether PENTA rejects a batch when errors exist in the file.
Limitations & Restrictions
PENTA places the following limitations and restrictions on inventory transfer records loaded with the interface:
If PENTA rejects a row, you cannot resubmit the file because a batch already exists for the file name and file type.
No Header Record is required.
Where to View Loaded Data
If System Option 125 is set to N, you can review and modify interfaced data using the Inventory Transfer window; otherwise, use the Document Query, Reports, and Queries. For example:
Warehouse Transaction Register
General Ledger Detail
Inventory Subledger
You must reprocess corrections via another inventory transfer interface record or PENTA's Inventory Transfer window.
Available Tables
Customer Reference Record
The following information relates to the INTR_INVENTORY_CUS_REF table, and is part of the Customer Reference record.
Customer Reference records are optional. A Customer Reference record must follow a work order-related Detail record.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
CUS_REF_CD | Req | C 15 | ID referring to Customer-specific information. |
CUS_REF_VALUE | Opt | C 30 | The value for the associated Customer Reference Code. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Inventory Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_INVENTORY_DTL table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number that uniquely identifies this record within an interface request. |
D_DISTR_DATE | Req | D | This must be within an open accounting period for the BS OU Id. Posting date of material transfer. |
PROD_ID | Req | X | The Product ID that is transferred in this transaction |
UNITS | Req | F 12.3 | Number of units of the Product ID to be transferred |
FR_DISTR_TYPE_CD | Req | C1 | Available options are:
FR_WHSE_ID | Opt | C4 | Required if the From Distribution Type column is W; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
FR_LOCATION_ID | Opt | C6 | Required if the From Distribution Type column is W; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
FR_JOB_ID | Opt | X | Required if the From Distribution Type column is J; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
FR_COST_TYPE_CD | Opt | C4 | Required if the From Distribution Type column is J; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
FR_CC | Opt | X | Required if the From Distribution Type column is J; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
FR_OU_ID | Opt | X | Required if the From Distribution Type column is A; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
FR_ACCT_NUM | Opt | X | Required if the From Distribution Type column is A; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
FR_FA_ID | Opt | X | Required if the From Distribution Type column is F; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
FR_FA_EXP_CAT_NUM | Opt | I3 | Required if the From Distribution Type column is F; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
FR_UNIT_COST | Opt | F 12.3 | If the From Distribution Type is W, leave this column blank. If the From Distribution Type is NOT W and the To Distribution Type is W, entry is optional; otherwise, entry is required. |
TO_DISTR_TYPE_CD | Req | C1 | Available values are:
TO_WHSE_ID | Opt | C4 | Required if the From Distribution Type column is W; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
TO_LOCATION_ID | Opt | C6 | Required if the From Distribution Type column is W; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
TO_JOB_ID | Opt | X | Required if the From Distribution Type column is J; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
TO_COST_TYPE_CD | Opt | C4 | Required if the From Distribution Type column is J; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
TO_CC | Opt | X | Required if the From Distribution Type column is J; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
TO_OU_ID | Opt | X | Required if the From Distribution Type column is A; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
TO_ACCT_NUM | Opt | X | Required if the From Distribution Type column is A; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
TO_FA_ID | Opt | X | Required if the From Distribution Type column is F; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
TO_FA_EXP_CAT_ | Opt | I3 | Required if the From Distribution Type column is F; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
TRANX_REF_ID | Opt | C15 | User defined code that is associated with the transaction. Tables maintaining this column include INV_XFER_WORK, INTR_INVENTORY_DTL |
TO_WO_ID | Opt | C! 25 | Id of the Work Order you are transferring inventory to. |
TO_WO_OU_ID | Opt | X | Id of the OU associated with the TO_WO_ID. |
TO_WO_COST_TYPE_CD | Opt | C 4 | Id of the Cost Type associated with the TO_WO_ID. |
TO_WO_CUS_LOC_CD | Opt | C 8 | Id of the Customer Location associated with the TO_WO_ID. |
TO_WO_CUS_EQ_ID | Opt | C 15 | Id of the Customer Equipment associated with the TO_WO_ID. |
TO_WO_TASK_ID | Opt | C! 10 | Id of the Task associated with the TO_WO_ID. |
TO_WO_FA_ID | Opt | X | Id of the Fixed Asset associated with the TO_WO_ID. |
TO_WO_FA_EXP_CAT_NUM | Opt | I 3 | Id of the Expense Category associated with the TO_WO_ID. |
TO_WO_MAINT_SCHD_NUM | Opt | I 6 | Id of the Maintenance Schedule associated with the TO_WO_ID. |
TO_WO_MAINT_ | Opt | C! 15 | Id of the Maintenance Contract associated with the TO_WO_ID. |
DESCR | Opt | C 30 | Additional notes or comments about the transfer. |
REQUISITION_NUM | Req | I 10 | Id of the request for materials. |
REQUISITION_RLS_ | Â | I 10 | Release number of the Requisition. |
REQUISITION_LINE_ | Req | I 9 | Id of the Requisition’s line item. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Inventory Tracking Record
The following information relates to the INTR_INVENTORY_TRACKING table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
ATTR_VALUE | Req | C 30 | Enter non-tracking attributes, such as color, style, type, etc., that you want to maintain for an individual product. |
PROD_ATTRIBUTE_ID | Req | C 15 | A value such as serial number that you want to track for a product on receipts and transfers. In most cases, products associated with a tracking attribute have low quantities in the warehouse but are typically the higher-priced items in the warehouse. For that reason, you may want to track which specific product you are receiving for future reporting purposes. |
UNITS | Req | F 12.3 | Number of units involved in the transfer. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |