Standard Crystal Report - Gate Hours Audit Report
Standard Crystal Report - Gate Hours Audit Report
Applies To
Penta for Windows
Standard Crystal Report - Gate Hours Audit Report
Payroll Module
Use the Gate Hours Audit report to compare gate hours and payroll hours and ensure you pay employees for the number of hours they were on the job site. Here you can view both distributed and undistributed payroll timecard hours.
Report Code: pr_gateHrsComp_p191_cr11.rpt
Available Parameters:
Example Report Results:
Employee Id - Id of the Employee related to the gate hours.
Employee Name - Name of the Employee related to the gate hours.
Work Date - Work date associated with the Employee’s gate hours.
Gate Hours - Total number of hours the Employee was at the job site.
Entered Hours - These are the payroll timecard hours entered through PENTA timecard windows for the Employee. A report run time parameter controls whether this includes distributed hours, undistributed hours, or both.
Difference - The difference between Gate Hours and Timecard Hours. PENTA determines this amount by calculating Gate Hours – Timecard Hours.
OU Totals - This row shows the Gate Hours total, Entered Hours total, and Difference total for the Organizational Unit.