Standard Crystal Report - Job Purchase Order (PO) Information Report
Standard Crystal Report - Job Purchase Order (PO) Information Report
Applies To
Penta for Windows
Crystal Report - Job Purchase Order (PO) Report
Project Management
Use the Job PO Information report to review a Job’s purchase activity. This report has less detail than most other purchase-related reports. This shows Purchase Order information by line for each job. This report shows:
- For each purchase order line, Committed-to-Date Units and Amount, Invoiced-to-Date Units and Amount, Invoiced Current Period, Open Committed Units and Amount, and Description.
- The tax for the line and each category, and the amount and tax.
- A sum of all purchase orders for the job and each category.
You can limit records displaying on this report by:
- Period Start Date—The Current Period Invoiced columns include purchase orders invoiced during the period from Period Start Date through Period End Date.
- Period End Date:
- The To Date Committed columns include all purchase orders with issue dates through the Period End Date.
- The To Date Invoiced columns include all amounts invoiced through the Period End Date.
- Job Id
- Project Manager Id
- Purchase Order Number
- Purchase Order Type
- Purchase Order Status
- Line Stat and Invoice Activity Opt – The report includes purchase order lines based on the activity and status that you select from this dropdown menu.
- Transactions Entered Through – The report includes all transactions physically entered through this date. Use this field to include transactions entered later, but backdated into the period from Period Start Date through Period End Date. This defaults as the current date.
- OU Id for the job
- OU Id for the Purchase Order
- User defined field alpha1
PENTA sorts this report in sequence by the following:
- Job Id
- Purchase Order Id
Report Code: jc_jobPoInvo_p144_cr11.rpt
Available Parameters
Example Report Results:
This report contains totals for each Job Id.
Report Heading
Current Period
This is the period defined by the Period Start Date through the Period End Date in the selection entries.
Include Transactions Enter Through
This is the selection entry Transactions Entered Through.
Committed and Invoiced Fields
Line Number
This is the assigned detail line number of the item or service on the Purchase Order.
St Cd
This is the current Status Code of the Purchase Order line. The Status Codes of the Purchase Order and the Purchase Order line have the same following values:
- A – Active/Approved
- C – 100% complete
- D – Delete
- I – Inactive
- O – Over the limit
- P – Pending
To Date Committed Units - This is the Total Line Units entered on the Purchase Order. The report includes purchase orders with a Date Issued on or before the Period End Date.
To Date Committed Amount - This is the Total Line Amount entered on the Purchase Order. The report includes purchase orders with a Date Issued on or before the Period End Date.
To Date Invoiced Units - This is the Total Line Units entered on the Purchase Order. The report includes amounts invoiced on or before the Period End Date.
To Date Invoiced Amount - This is the Total Line Amount entered on the Purchase Order. The report includes amounts invoiced on or before the Period End Date.
Description - This is the Line Item Description.
Current Period and Open Committed Fields
Invoiced Units - This is the quantity entered on an invoice before the Transactions Entered Through date and posted during the Period Start Date through the Period End Date range. The invoice entered on the Invoice and Credit Memo Entry window or the Manual Payment Entry window.
Invoiced Amount - This is the monetary amount entered on an invoice before the Transactions Entered Through date and posted during the Period Start Date through the Period End Date range. The invoice entered on the Invoice and Credit Memo Entry window or the Manual Payment Entry window.
Open Committed Units - PENTA calculates this value as: To Date Committed Units – To Date Invoiced Units.
Open Committed Amount - PENTA calculates this value as: To Date Committed Amount – To Date Invoiced Amount.