Standard Crystal Report - Parent Job Detail Labor Report
Standard Crystal Report - Parent Job Detail Labor Report
Applies To
Penta for Windows
Crystal Report - Parent Job Detail Labor Report
Project Management
Use this report to manage labor hours and cost on your jobs. The report includes:
- Estimated (cost, hours, and rate)
- Period hours
- Job to date (cost, hours, and rate)
- Projected (cost, hours, and rate)
The report can also provide subtotals by Costcode segment.
Report Code: jc_jobLbrDtlByCCs_p90_cr11.rpt
Available Parameters:
Example Report Results:
Report Fields
Costcode - ID of the Costcode. The report only includes labor Costcodes.
Costcode Description - Description of the Costcode.
Estimated Dollars - Estimated total cost (in dollars) you expect to charge to the Costcode over the job’s life.
Estimated Hours - Total estimated hours including approved change requests.
Estimated Rate - The revised Estimated cost per Costcode.
Period Hours - Total hours charged to the Costcode on the job through time period specified on the report.
JTD Dollars - Actual job-to-date total dollars charged to the Costcode.
JTD Hours - Actual job-to-date total hours charged to the Costcode.
JTD Rate - Actual cost per hour worked and charged to the Costcode job to date.
Projected Hour to Complete - The Costcode’s forecast hours to complete.
Projected Hour at Complete - The Costcode’s forecast hours at complete as of the job’s completion.
Variance - Calculated as: The revised estimated hours – The projected hours at completion