Standard Crystal Report - Job Cash Status Auto-Date Report


Standard Crystal Report - Job Cash Status Auto-Date Report

Applies To

Penta for Windows

Crystal Report - Job Cash Status Auto-Date Report

Project Management


Use the Job Cash Status Auto Date report to manage the cash position of jobs. The report lets you easily determine if you are outlaying more cash on a job than you are collecting as of the current date.

Report Code: jc_jobCashStaus_auDt_p90_cr11.rpt

Available Parameters:

Example Report Results: 

Report Fields

Job ID - ID of the job.

Name - Name of the job.

Cash Position - The job’s total cash position. This is calculated as: The cash received – The cash disbursed.

Total Billed - Amount of the job’s total billings, as of the report date.

Open AR - Amount of open accounts receivable receipts, as of the report date.

AR Retention - Amount of open accounts receivable retention, as of the report date.

Cash Received - Total amount of the job’s cash received, as of the report date.

Tot Cash Cost - Total amount of cash expended on the job, as of the report date.

Open AP - Total amount of open accounts payables, as of the report date.

Retention - Total amount of open accounts payable retention as of the report date.

Cash Disbursed - Total amount of cash disbursed for the job, as of the report date.