Employee Utilization Report Cross Reference records enable users to compare the various reports displaying estimated billable/non-billable ratios versus actual hours coming into the system. The Employee Utilization Report Cross Reference window allows users to tie accounts and Job types Types to columns in in PENTA's various utilization reports. Entry in this window is not required to run Payroll in PENTA, however, its us use is encouraged to help maximize Job and Employee Profitabilityemployee profitability.
- Utilize to enable PENTA's full Payroll Reporting Capabilitiesreporting capabilities
- Can be leveraged to produce Dynamic dynamic reports displaying productivity and employee utilization
- Assists in producing reports out of PENTA that will maximize your business' profitability.
- Payroll Manager
- Payroll Clerk
- Controller
- Payroll> SetupSetup> Employee Utilization Report Cross Reference