PENTA automated billing process is recommend when creating and sending invoices to customers. The automated invoice process creates the invoice document, supporting back, and automatically creates all accounting entries to back up that invoice. In certain situations, invoices may be created outside of PENTA, and you will need a way to manually enter the AR invoice information into PENTA so it displays on aging reports and provides the correct accounting entries. The Manual Billing Entry window allows you to do just that, when entering an invoice through this process, PENTA will NOT create any invoice documents/reports, it's primary function is to record/post AR invoices into PENTA, and make the appropriate accounting entries. A common use for this window is when the customer requires a special billing format, a format that PENTA does not already have. This invoice could be created outside of the system and posted into PENTA via the Manual Billing Entry window. This window can also be used to make certain billing adjustments.
- Manual Invoices can be entered and posted into PENTA
- Creates the correct accounting entries
- Can be used to make billing adjustments
- Billing Clerk
- Accounts Receivable Manager
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- Billing & Accounts Receivable > Manual Billings > Manual Billing Entry