- Navigate to Apple Business Manager Enrollment Link and fill out the required information.
- You will be required to provide your company’s D-U-N-S® Number
- Whoever will be serving as your PENTA application administrator should enroll in Business Manager using a new Apple ID (email address). You CANNOT enroll using an existing Apple ID.
- After enrollment is complete, make sure that Custom Apps are enabled (Settings → Enrollment Information https://business.apple.com/#main/settings/enrollmentinfo)
- Provide your Penta Account Manager with the following:
- DEP Customer ID Organization name, exactly as displayed, right next to magnifying glass (Settings → Device Purchases Enrollment Information https://business.apple.com/#main/settings/devicepurchasesenrollmentinfo)
- Organization Name (Settings → Enrollment Information https://business.apple.com/#main/settings/enrollmentinfoID (right underneath organization name)
- When Penta releases a new mobile app they will make it available to your organization’s DEP Customer ID.
Purchase New PENTA Mobile Apps in the Business Manager