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Where can I find all information related to PENTA and 2022 End of Year?
Where can I find the End of Year Guides?
Where can I review the past End of Year Bulletins?
Applies To
Penta for Windows
Changes from 2022 End of Year Information
NEW: We're excited to announce that Penta has selected a new preferred paper form supplier, Nelco Solutions!
Why did we make the change to Nelco Solutions?
- To simplify your end of year paper purchasing needs with a company that has a modern online ordering process and fantastic customer support
- Standardize our W-2 and 1099 generation program and simplify the printing process
- They have been in the W-2 and 1099 form industry a long time, they understand our needs and they understand your needs
- They have equivalent form sizes to reduce programmatic changes which eases the end of year tax kit delivery process
NEW: W-2 Form MW1284 (Four Down Style) will be deprecated as of this End of Year tax kit delivery and will no longer be selectable in PENTA.
- Bulletin 1 - Preparing for Year-End 2022 and Payroll Year 2023
- Bulletin 2 - Ordering Forms
- Bulletin 3 - Year End Tax Kit Reservation
- Bulletin 4 - End of Year Guides
If you don't receive the bulletins you can sign up for our mailing list here. Select the "US Payroll Updates" list along with any other lists you want to be subscribed to.
End of Year Guides
State Tax Withholding Guide
Used for setting up withholding codes in states that require special setup.
December Tax Kit Details
The 2022 December End of Year Tax Kit includes Federal and State changes announced prior to December 9th. This includes changes/updates to the following:
- Oregon Paid Family and Medical Leave
- Colorado Paid Family and Medical Leave
- Effective 2023/01/01 the withholding rate will be the default 2.0% for all 8 Arizona State Codes. We are changing the Names for the 7 'special' Arizona State Codes to be 'Arizona - Obsolete 2023'. All Arizona employees should be submitting a new Form A-4. Customers should use the Fixed Withholding Pct for employees who submit a new Form A-4 and choose a withholding percent other than 2.0%.
withholding updatesWithholding Updates
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- District of Columbia
- Idaho
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Maine
- Maryland
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- New Mexico
- New York
- New York - Yonkers
- South Carolina
- Utah
- Virginia
State UC Wage Base
- Arizona
- Colorado
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Utah
- Vermont
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wyoming
EOY PfW Patch File
Due to the change in EFW and 1099 generation, there will need to be a screen change to the W-2 and 1099 Generation window which means there will be a patch this year.
The patch follows the normal naming structure and ends in "COMP000694."
Patches will be uploaded to your downloads page and to the Penta Product Installer if you have indicated in the past that you use it. If you have any issues accessing the patch file please submit a support ticket.
Reminder that you are not to install the patch until after the EOY confirmation email from PENTA.
If you are a hosted customer then the patch will be installed as part of the tax kit update.
More details on how to install the patch is located here.
January Tax Kit Details
The 2022 January Tax Kit includes Federal and State changes announced prior to January 15th13th. This includes changes/updates to the following:
withholding updatesWithholding Updates
- Indiana
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
- Vermont
State UC Wage Base
- Alaska
- North Carolina
- Rhode Island