The Chart of Accounts window lets you add new general ledger accounts by establishing a unique name and account number for each account and entering information about the account's status, classification, and type. If your organization is a Multi-Currency user of PENTA, you can also indicate the currency in which the account is denominated. After entering this information, you can validate the account for all or select organizational units. This window also allows you to query and modify existing accounts, including inactivating accounts that are no longer used.
- Provides an accurate record of all financial transactions
- Aids in compiling key financial statements
- Provides the ability to authorize general ledger accounts for one, some, or all organizational units
- Provides subledger requirements and ensures the ledger is always in balance with the subledger details
- Financial & Accounting > Setup > Accounts > Chart of Accounts
Video: Widget Connector width 640 url https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/307323761/6e883d6ef1/privacy height 360